Microsoft Access Introduction. What Is a Database Suppose you are a school administrator. You need to have information about –Students –Faculty –Staff.

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Access Introduction. What Is a Database Suppose you are a school administrator. You need to have information about –Students –Faculty –Staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft Access Introduction

2 What Is a Database Suppose you are a school administrator. You need to have information about –Students –Faculty –Staff –Courses –Buildings –Financial Resources & Liabilities –Etc.

3 Some Questions Which students live in Honolulu? What are the names of all students in ENG 101-02? How large is the room used by ENG 101-02? Which students does Prof. Jones teach this semester? How many students who live on campus are have all morning classes? Etc.

4 Database –Collection of data items which are organized so that they can easily be searched, modified, added, removed, and otherwise maintained. Relational Database –Data items are organized by tables Database Management System (DBMS) –A software system that can search, modify, add and remove items, and otherwise maintain a database Access Database: a relational database from MS

5 Table: Basic Unit of Database School Database Student Table –ID, Name, Address, City, State, Phone # Course Table –Dept, Course #, Title, Description Classes Table –Course #, Section #, Instructor, Room # Equipment Inventory Table –Dept #, Inventory ID, Description, Status

6 Table: Basic Unit of Database Company Database Employees Table –SSN, Name, Location, Salary, Gender, Title Departments Table –depID, depName, Manager, Description Offices Table –offID, Location, Phone, Manager Inventory Table –invID, invDescription, invQuantity

7 Employees Table Acct RepM$50,000PortlandMoon5678 ManagerM$70,000Los AngelesHeft6789 Acct RepF$38,000PortlandLaw7890 Acct RepF$37,000DenverMars4567 TraineeM$29,000DenverDanson3456 Acct RepF$48,000Los AngelesChan2345 ManagerM$67,000PortlandSmith1234 TitleGenderSalaryLocationNameSSN Back to Pivot Table Back to Primary Key

8 Basic Terms Field –Column Record –Row Table –Set of Records Database –Collection of Tables Database Management System (DBMS) –Software to manage Database

9 Access Objects Table –Contains collection of basic data Form –Displays user interface for data input and output Query –Displays data which satisfy certain criteria Report –Produces printouts

10 Pivot Tables An Employees (ID, name, location, salary, gender, title) displays each employee. A pivot table computes summary statistics for a table, according to various fields.

11 Pivot Table for Employees $48,444$33,000$59,000$51,667Grand Total $29,000 Trainee $43,500$37,000$48,000$44,000Acct Rep $68,500$70,000$67,000Manager Ave Salary Title Grand TotalDenverLos AngelesPortland Location To Employees Table

12 Relational Database

13 How Do You Answer the Following Questions At which Pamela Milgrom work? –Involves Employees and Locations tables Which employees are managers? –Involves Employees and Titles tables Which employees work in Boston office? –Involves Employees and Locations tables

14 Relationship

15 Designing a Table Students Table HyperlinkHomePageTextMajor Y/NHawaiiResidentTextPhone TextE-mailTextZIP DateDateAdmittedTextState NumberQualityPointsTextCity NumberCreditsTextAddress TextGenderTextLastName Y/NFinancialAidTextFirstName DateBirthDateTextSSN TypeField NameTypeField Name

16 Designing a Table Include all data items that you can foresee. Store data in its smallest parts: E.g., –LastName, FirstName, City, ZIP –But Address Do not use fields that can be calculated. E.g., –Age –GPA

17 Primary Key Primary Key—a field (or combination of fields) that makes each record in a table unique To Employees TableTo Employees Table Candidates in the Employees Table –ID –SSN –Email address –LastName + FirstName + Address –But not LastName, LastName + FirstName If none is available, insert an ID field (AutoNumber)

18 Properties Field Properties—characteristics of a field For Example –Field Size property –Format property –Input Mask property –Caption Property –Default Value property –Required property


20 Field Properties

21 Creating a Query Query Lets user to ask questions Allows user to choose a subset of table that satisfy certain conditions Given Students table How many are from California? Who are majoring in Business? Who are from California AND majoring in Business?

22 USA Table The fields in the USA table are: –Name –Capital –Nickname –Year established –Population –Area –Region (Pacific, Mountain, New England, South Central, North Central, Middle Atlantic

23 Queries States in the Pacific region States in the Pacific OR New England region States with a population over 5,000,000 States established since 1900 States established before 1900 AND having a population over 5,000,000 States established in the 1800’s States established in the 1700’s

24 Queries on Students List all Business Majors List Business Majors from Florida List Communications Majors Receiving Financial Aid List all Students from Florida List Business Majors with Fewer than 60 Credits List all Students with 60 to 90 Credits List all Business Majors with Fewer than 60 Credits or Communicatuons Majors born on or after April 1, 1985

25 Creating a Select Query 1. Open Our Students database –Queries  New –Design View is open 2. Add the Students Table –Select Students table  Add  Close. Maximize. Expand the upper portion. 3. Create a query –Drag LstName field from Students table to the first column. –Drag FirstName, PHoneNUmber, Major, and Credits to the QBE grid. –Adding & Deleting fields

26 4. Specify the Criteria –To display all UNDECIDED majors: In Criteria row for Major, type Undecided In Sort under LastName field, select Ascending Save Type Undecided Major as the Query name. Click OK. 5. Run the Query –Query  Run (Run button) 6. Modify the Query –To display all UNDECIDED majors with more than 30 credits –Uncheck Show check box in the Major field –In Criteria row under credits, type >30. –Save. –Run

27 7. Create a Report –Open Our Students Database –Click Reports button  Create report by using Wizard –Tables/Queries list box  Query: Undecided Major –Click >> button. Next. –Next, Next –Tabular layout, Portrait orientation, Soft Gray. –Title: Undecided Major. Finish 8. View the Report –Place date in the header. –Place your name in the footer.

28 Other Queries All students from California or Florida All Business students from Florida All Education students from California or Florida All Education students with credits over 30 All Education students with credits between 30 and 60

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