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African Media since Ghana’s Independence By: Ramotsamai Khunyeli G08k3853.

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Presentation on theme: "African Media since Ghana’s Independence By: Ramotsamai Khunyeli G08k3853."— Presentation transcript:

1 African Media since Ghana’s Independence By: Ramotsamai Khunyeli G08k3853

2 Recurrent Themes Focus of the book  Colonial, postcolonial and post-independence media systems.  Different African regions  Historical and socio-economic circumstances

3 Colonial Media Systems Militant role of the media. Ideological and political instrument. Sole mass medium of resistance.

4 Postcolonial Media Systems After independence Media role change to social and development.  Instrument of new political systems.  Small politicised publications. Foreign investments cause competition.

5 Postcolonial Media Systems (continued) Media’s development role undermined. Governments’ response.  Dictatorship Social and economic crises.

6 Postcolonial Media Systems (continued2) Social  Civil wars and strife.  Africa’s image.  Lack of protests. Economic  Colonial-type economic structures.  Corruption.  Media personnel.

7 Postcolonial Media Systems (continued3) Private press’s devotion.  Foundations of struggle.

8 Post-independence Media Systems 1980s Constitutional reforms.  Legal guarantees and regulatory frameworks. Journalistic organisations/groupings.  Professional identity.  Collective demand. Difficulties experienced.  Markets without customers.

9 Looking Ahead Long way  Least served people. Advancing democracy and development.  Conducive environment. Governments and free media.  Positives  Sensitizer  Public service

10 Looking Ahead (continued) Laws as media enabling mechanisms.  Saba’s peer review systems.  Internal content exchange.

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