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Classifiers ASL II.

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1 Classifiers ASL II

2 What is a classifier? Represents a noun and indicates the location and possible action of that noun. Size and shape specifiers (SASSes) Indicates something about the size, shape, texture, etc. and location of a noun.

3 Example: (pronoun) The red car pulled up behind me.
CL:3(wh)”car” CL:3”car” RED “pull up behind my car” Three cars were pulled up at the intersection. CL:3”3 cars pull up at intersection”

4 Example: (adjective) Sign this form, please.
CL:H “sign name on non-dominant hand:B” PLEASE. The round table is large enough for four people. CL: (2h)C “big round table” CL: (2h)XX “4 people sitting at table”

5 Example: (verb) The two of us went into the restaurant and sat opposite each other. CL:2 (or V) “walk into restaurant” RESTAURANT, CL: (2h)XX “sit across each other”. We all sat facing the front of the room. IX-loc ROOM FRONT CL:scrunch 4 “sit facing front of room”.

6 Singular Classifiers *must be repeated for pluralization:
By use of both hands By repeating the classifier in alternating, or orderly fashion By using a “sweep” to indicate many in a row.

7 Plural: Use a specific number classifier (CL:2, CL:3, CL:4, etc.)
“many” classifier (CL:4, CL:5) that represent many people, cats, cattle, rocks, insects, shoes, chairs, etc., either stationary or moving orderly, or moving in a disorderly manner (wiggling of the classifer) The “class” or “group” classifiers (CL: (2h)C)

8 Physical characteristics of action:
Pick-up a coin (PICK-UP CL:F “coin”) Pick-up a cup (PICK-UP CL:C “cup”) Pick-up a rock (PICK-UP CL:scrunch 5 “rock”) Pour-from a cup (POUR-FROM CL:C “cup”) Pour-from a bucket (POUR-FROM CL: (2h)C “bucket”)

9 Sharing common features
Fence, cage, rainbow, eyelashes (CL:4) Fire, waves, traffic, war (CL:5)

10 Pronominal Classifiers
Some classifiers can be used as pronouns and can replace nouns after the noun is named.

11 For example: CL:1 Upright person or animal
CL:3 Vehicle such as a car, bus, bicycle, truck, boat, submarine CL:A Stationary object such as a house, vase, statue, lamp, company, business CL:B Flat object such as a piece of paper, magazine, newspaper

12 Location of a noun The car is here CL:3 “car here”
The car is over there. CL:3 “car over there”

13 Locational Relationships
Two vehicles next to each other. CL: (2h)3 “2 cars next to each other” Two vehicles, one in front of the other. CL: (2h)3 “One car in front of other car” A cup on a table. CL:C “cup on” CL:B “table” A glass under a table. CL:C “glass under” CL:B “table”

14 Adding movement to pronominal classifiers
One vehicle passing another. CL:3 “right car” CL:3 “left car passing right car” Two vehicles colliding head on. CL: (2h)3 “cars crashing into each other” A person diving off a platform. CL:V “person dives off” CL:B “platform” A cup falling off a table. CL:C “cup falls off” CL:B “table”

15 Now you try it! That little boy over there picked up the rock and threw it at the girl. BOY LITTLE THERE CL:5 “pick up rock and throw” GIRL. The herd of cows scattered all over the place. COWS CL: (2h)5 “scatter everywhere”. My brother has rows and rows of bowling trophies on his book shelf. BROTHER MY HAVE TROPHY BOWL CL:A “rows and rows” CL:B “shelf”.

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