Sarah Sabol. PARS Who: ACCME What: Program and Activity Reporting System When: Annually, by March 31 Why?: Helps ACCME and providers demonstrate the size,

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Presentation on theme: "Sarah Sabol. PARS Who: ACCME What: Program and Activity Reporting System When: Annually, by March 31 Why?: Helps ACCME and providers demonstrate the size,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sarah Sabol

2 PARS Who: ACCME What: Program and Activity Reporting System When: Annually, by March 31 Why?: Helps ACCME and providers demonstrate the size, scope and value of the CME enterprise

3 All of Michigan’s State Accredited Provider’s successfully completed entries for their 2014 data in PARS.

4 Similar Challenges from 2014 Regularly Scheduled Series Categorizing Activities Designed to Change & Changes Evaluated Summary Page Challenges

5 Regularly Scheduled Series Errors Multiple entries for 1 RSS - For each RSS that you have, one entry must encompass the entire year’s worth of data. Example: Medical Grand Rounds held weekly for 1 hour – list once as Medical Grand Rounds Dates for RSS – Enter the first and last dates of your RSS Example: January 1, 2013-December 31, 2013 Number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits TM Designated – Enter your total for the entire year for that particular RSS Example: 52 credits (assuming no meetings were cancelled)

6 Regularly Scheduled Series Errors Number of “physicians” who completed activity- For each RSS that you have, one entry must encompass the entire year’s worth of data. Example: Medical Grand Rounds held weekly and had 10 attendees at every session for the year – add attendees for year (10 x 52) for a total of 520. Number of “other learners” who completed activity- For each RSS that you have, one entry must encompass the entire year’s worth of data. Example: Medical Grand Rounds held weekly and had 2 “other learner” attendees at every session for the year – add attendees for year (2 x 52) for a total of 104.

7 Categorizing Activities: Course vs. Performance Improvement Course = live CME activity where the learner participates in person; planned as an individual event. Examples: annual meeting, conference, seminar. Performance improvement activities = long-term, 3-stage project by which a physician or group of physicians assess their practice using selected performance measures (i.e., chart review) (stage A), learn about specific performance measures (i.e., educational intervention) (stage B), and then reassess their practice using the same performance measures (stage C) Physicians can earn up to 20 credits for participating in CME-certified PI activities (5 credits per stage plus an additional 5 credits for completing all 3 stages) Just because you may be measuring “Performance Improvement” does not make it a Performance Improvement Activity

8 Designed to Change & Changes Evaluated

9 Designed to Change & Changes Evaluated Errors Fields in the this section are often left blank – Criterion 3 requires …..”the generation of activities/educational interventions designed to change competence, performance or patient outcomes…” – Check your planning document to see what your activity was designed to do. It must be designed to at least change one of the three (Competence, Performance or Patient Outcomes).

10 Changes Evaluated Errors Check your files to see what you measured. Look at your evaluation instrument or other measurement tools (such as QI Data reports) to see what data you measured. Again, you are required to measure changes in at least one of the three areas (Competence, Performance or Patient Outcomes).

11 Summary Page Challenges Entered Data but did not “Attest” on the Summary Page Entered activities but they are still in the “open” tab vs “closed” activity tab – Field(s) are missing data. Activities will automatically move to “closed” when all required fields are completed.

12 Common Questions When can I enter data in PARS? Data in PARS can be entered at anytime. MSMS encourages providers to enter their activity data on a regular basis. You do not have to wait until the official notification regarding the March 31 st deadline.

13 Common Questions I already “Attested” but I realized I made a mistake. How can I correct my error? Notify Brenda. MSMS can remove your “Attestation” in your summary which will allow you to make any changes to your data. To re-close the year, you must “re- attest” the summary page.

14 Common Questions I’ve forgotten my password, how can it be reset? Go to the PARS login. Select “Request a password” and enter your email address and Organization ID.

15 Overview of 2015 Changes A. Some Activity Data that was optional is now required in 2015. B. Some Activity Data that was previously required is no longer required for individual CME Activities. C. Program Summary changes D. Terminology & Definition Changes E. Batch Upload Resources

16 Why Changes? Implementing improvements based on provider and stakeholder feedback. Elimination of some data requirements that have been difficult to standardize and have not been shown to add value. Added data fields and changed some of the optional fields to required fields in order to collect information that will increase the value of PARS. Support alignment with stakeholders involved in physician continuing professional development (i.e., credit, licensure, and certification systems). Aggregated data will provide a more comprehensive picture of the size, scope, and accomplishments of the national CME enterprise.

17 New Required Activity Data For 2015 Activities – previously optional Name of joint providers (formerly “joint sponsors”) Number of designated AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Competency(ies) the activity was designed to address Name of commercial supporter(s), the monetary amount of support, and/or the type of in-kind support given by each supporter.

18 Joint Providership and Number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit

19 Competencies & Participation Participation: Residents are now counted with physicians Non-Physicians are now considered “other learners”

20 Commercial Support changes

21 Changes, continued The following will not be reported for individual activities. Advertising and exhibit income. This information will be submitted only in aggregate in the Program Summary. Income from other sources. This information will be submitted only in aggregate, in three specific categories, in the Program Summary. Expenses. This information will no longer be collected in PARS.

22 Income Income from Other Sources has been replaced with three specific income categories: Registration fees (includes registration, subscription, or publication fees received from CME activity participants) Government grants Private donations (including grants from foundations) Providers will no longer be required to include allocations from their parent organization or other internal departments. NEW!


24 TERMINOLOGY & DEFINITON CHANGES Sponsorship is now providership Activities will be described as directly provided or jointly provided. This change reflects the terminology change included in the simplification of the ACCME requirements and process.simplification Non physicians are called other learners. Includes activity participants other than MDs and DOs. Residents should be included as physicians beginning with the 2015 reporting year

25 PARS Tools Reports Generated in PARS Download All Activities Report Download Summary of Closed Activities Report

26 Download All Activities Report This excel report contains all the data entered about the activities for a specific year. This data can be used for lots of analysis and data from various years can be used to analyze trends.

27 Download Summary of Closed Activities This pdf report contains all the data entered about the activities for a specific year.

28 Download Summary of Closed Activities Example:

29 PARS Tools For Providers that do not have another electronic system to store their CME Data, PARS can be particularly useful as a place to store and access their activity data.

30 ACCME Resources accreditation/about-pars BATCH UPLOAD RESOURCES FOR 2015 REPORTING YEAR PARS Tab-delimited Upload Process: A Tutorial Tab Delimited Upload Template for 2015 Tab Delimited Upload Instructions for 2015 XML Upload Template and Instructions for 2015 EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Q&A about PARS 2015 Changes Accreditation Requirements and Descriptions of the ACCME PARS Tab-delimited Upload Process: A Tutorial

31 ACCME Resources accreditation/about-pars BATCH UPLOAD RESOURCES FOR 2015 REPORTING YEAR PARS Tab-delimited Upload Process: A Tutorial Tab Delimited Upload Template for 2015 Tab Delimited Upload Instructions for 2015 XML Upload Template and Instructions for 2015 EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Q&A about PARS 2015 Changes Accreditation Requirements and Descriptions of the ACCME PARS Tab-delimited Upload Process: A Tutorial

32 MSMS Resources Call or Email Brenda Marenich Phone: 517-336-7580 Email:

33 Questions?

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