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Mesfin, Kalle, Artem, Rémy Loud Demo Mesfin Kalle Arte m Rém y 22/09/2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Mesfin, Kalle, Artem, Rémy Loud Demo Mesfin Kalle Arte m Rém y 22/09/2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mesfin, Kalle, Artem, Rémy Loud Demo Mesfin Kalle Arte m Rém y 22/09/2010

2 EMI-Record Label Name Markku Takkunen A role or job title: Manager Quotes in the personas language: ?? Relevant demographics: Relevant of knowledge for basic computer skills Persona's Definition

3 Descriptions that reveals goals, motivations, pain points: Goals: Looking for great bands and produce quality and popular music. Offering the best technology and software. Increase their sales and raise their profit margin. Motivation: Potential market demand in recording High personal interest in music A dream to make some difference in recording of music s. Pain Point: Old school record label managers(doesn’t want to trust new tech) Doubt against the service efficiency

4 Descriptions that describe primary activities this user type will engage in: Deciding the company interest against artists work. Making a decision in big investment Receiving daily customer phone calls

5 User Story As a Record label Manager I want to listen a music what our company is interested in to produce. I don’t want to receive thousands of phone calls from crappie Bands. I don’t want to receive thousands of emails of 800mb music files. Describes who wants, what wants and what for in one sentence As a record label manager I want to produce quality music with a small amount effort.

6 Definition of Done –DoD Am I able to filter incoming music samples without listening of all of them? Is our company’s music interest is defined in the service? Am I able to send email/confirm my interest to the band easily?

7 Persona’s definition Name Dr Dre A role or job title: Hip-Hop day Quotes in the personas language: How high Relevant demographics: 20-35 years

8 Descriptions that reveals goals, motivations, pain points: Goals: To get to be known To make money Motivation: Money Passion Pain Point: Lot of competitors Need money Need time

9 Descriptions that describe primary activities this user type will engage in: - Record a demo by themselves - Sent it to the record labels - Performed in a lot of place - Used all the social network (Facebook, MySpace …) - Used all the relation that we have

10 User Story As a band I want my demo be listened by the maximum of record label ???????? Describes who wants, what wants and what for in one sentence ?????????

11 Definition of Done –DoD Tracks can be upload easily/quickly Tracks can be used by a lot of record labels Labels answered very speedily

12 Questions for record labels 1. How much time per week it take to got through artist materials ? 2.Are you ready to pay for this service ?How much ? 3.How you choose the new band that you want to produce ? (Filter) 4.Do you have experience with that kind of system ?

13 Questions for band 1- Are you ready to pay to submit your tracks to a label ?How much ? 2- Do you have some experience of service like this? 3- How do you find this idea? 4- Do you have some points to improve our program?

14 What is done

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