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J.j. Thomson Atomic Model

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1 J.j. Thomson Atomic Model
Plum Pudding Model or Blueberry Muffin Model Proposed in 1904 Negatively charged electrons (raisins or blueberries) are surrounded by a positively charged “pudding” (or muffin)

2 Ernest Rutherford Gold Foil Experiment
Discovery of the atomic nucleus Rutherford shot alpha particles at a piece of gold foil surrounded by detectors This suggests that they hit something larger = Nucleus Gold Foil Video Demonstration Expected Outcome: Alpha particle shoots straight through, electrons according to the Plum Pudding Model are not enough to deflect the particles Real Outcome: Alpha particles deflected in some instances This suggests that they hit something larger = Nucleus

3 Ernest Rutherford Atomic Model
Gold Foil experiment marked the discovery that the atom was made up of mostly empty space and contained a positively charged nucleus Rutherford Model suggests that atoms are unstable

4 Niels Bohr Atomic Model
Proposed in 1913 Atoms are mostly empty space with a positively charged nucleus surrounded by electrons that travel in circular orbits (like the solar system) Revised Rutherford’s atom to create a more stable model of the atom

5 Present Day Atomic Model
James Chadwick discovered the neutron in 1932 The neutron is a subatomic particle that resides in the nucleus and has no charge This model says that we can’t know the exact location of the electron but the electrons are more likely to be in specific areas of the atom This cloud model shows the possible locations of the electrons at any moment

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