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Atom Models From Democritus to Bohr’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Atom Models From Democritus to Bohr’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atom Models From Democritus to Bohr’s

2 Learning Goals Explain how different atomic models evolved as a result of experimental evidence. Describe the characteristics of neutrons, protons and electrons (charge, location and relative mass)


4 Questions to ask... How did we find out that gold was gold and silver was something different? How did we find out what part of a particle makes a substance unique? How can models of the atom help explain matter?

5 Democritus (400 BCE) - Greek philosopher - All matter can be divided into smaller and smaller pieces - He called the last piece that “cannot be cut” an ATOM

6 Democritus’ Atomic Theory
atoms are different sizes atoms are in constant motion atoms are separated by empty spaces

7 Democritus' Atomic Theory

8 Aristotle (~340 BCE) Rejected the idea of the atom
All matter is made up of 4 substances Earth, Water, Fire and Air

9 - each atom of one material is the same - atoms cannot be divided
John Dalton (1807) Billiard ball model - each atom of one material is the same - atoms cannot be divided

10 Dalton’s Atomic Model All mater is made up of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms all atoms of an element are identical atoms of different elements are different atoms are rearranged to form new substances in chemical reactions, but they are never created or destroyed

11 J.J. Thomson (1897) Discovered electrons - negatively charged particles “Plum Pudding” model - negative electrons embedded in a positive atom - electrons are evenly distributed

12 Ernest Rutherford (1909) Discovered the nucleus is very small
contains most the mass surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons most of the atom is empty space

13 Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment
See page 230

14 Niels Bohr (1913) Bohr refined Rutherford's model:
- Electrons orbit the nucleus (like planets) - Electrons cannot be between orbits / they can jump between orbits - Each orbit can hold a maximum number of electrons

15 James Chadwick (1932) Student of E. Rutherford
The nucleus contains 2 particles Positive Protons (discovered by Rutherford in 1920) Neutral NEUTRONS A neutral atom contains the same number of protons and electrons

16 Type of Subatomic Particles
Proton Neutron Electron Charge + O - Location in nucleus orbiting nucleus Relative Mass 1 1/2000

17 The Bohr-Rutherford Model is what we will use (for the first 20 elements).

18 Have we met our Learning Goals?
Can YOU explain how different atomic models evolved as a result of experimental evidence? Can YOU describe the characteristics of neutrons, protons and electrons (charge, location and relative mass)?

19 Group Task 1. Create a TIMELINE of the history of the atom. OR 2. Create a mini poster of the 1 you think is MOST important

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