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The Progressive Era Chapter 22.

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Presentation on theme: "The Progressive Era Chapter 22."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Progressive Era Chapter 22

2 Significant Events  1890 General Federation of Women’s Clubs organized  1893 Illinois enacts 8-hour workday for women; Anti-Saloon League created  1899 National Consumers’ League founded  1903 Department of Labor and Commerce created  1906 Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle published  1910 Mann Act passed  1911 Triangle Shirtwaist fire  th and 17th Amendments passed  1914 Clayton Antitrust Act passed  1916 New York Birth Control League organized  th Amendment ratified Chapter 22

3 Origins of Progressivism
Chapter 22

4 The Roots of Progressive Reform
Progressive Beliefs Aims of progressives Pragmatism Chapter 22

5 The Politics of Paralysis
The Pragmatic Approach Behaviorism Brandeis Brief Chapter 22

6 The Politics of Paralysis
The Progressive Method Muckrakers Voluntary organizations Professionals Chapter 22

7 The Search for the Good Society
Poverty in a New Light Naturalism Social work Chapter 22

8 The Search for the Good Society
Expanding the “Woman’s Sphere” Women’s organizations New woman Margaret Sanger Chapter 22

9 The Search for the Good Society
Social Welfare Keating-Owen Act Chapter 22

10 Jane Addams Fights Child Labor
Eyewitness to History Jane Addams Fights Child Labor Chapter 22

11 The Search for the Good Society
Woman Suffrage Catt’s “winning plan” Militant suffragists 19th Amendment Chapter 22

12 The Search for the Good Society
Woman Suffrage Nineteenth Amendment Chapter 22

13 Controlling the Masses
Stemming the Immigrant Tide Eugenics Americanization Literacy test Chapter 22

14 Controlling the Masses
The Curse of Demon Rum Anti-Saloon League Chapter 22

15 Controlling the Masses
Prostitution Spread of the vice Mann Act Chapter 22

16 The Politics of Municipal and State Reform
The Reformation of the Cities Gas and water socialism Commission plan City manager plan Chapter 22

17 The Politics of Municipal and State Reform
Progressivism in the States La Follette’s Wisconsin idea Reforming politics Regulating business Seeds of the welfare state Chapter 22

18 Progressivism Goes to Washington
Theodore Roosevelt Chapter 22

19 Progressivism Goes to Washington
A Square Deal Philosophy of the Square Deal Anthracite coal strike U.S. v. E.C. Knight Northern Securities Railroad regulation Chapter 22

20 Progressivism Goes to Washington
Bad Food and Pristine Wilds Conservation through planned management John Muir and preservation Chapter 22

21 Progressivism Goes to Washington
The Troubled Taft Ballinger-Pinchot affair Taft’s accomplishments Chapter 22

22 Progressivism Goes to Washington
Roosevelt Returns New Nationalism Chapter 22

23 Progressivism Goes to Washington
The Election of 1912 Progressive party New Freedom Chapter 22

24 Progressivism Goes to Washington
The Election of 1912 Chapter 22

25 Woodrow Wilson and the Politics of Morality
Early Career Missionary spirit Student of politics Chapter 22

26 Woodrow Wilson and the Politics of Morality
The Reforms of the New Freedom Underwood-Simmons Tariff Federal Reserve Act Federal Trade Commission Clayton Antitrust Act Chapter 22

27 Woodrow Wilson and the Politics of Morality
Labor and Social Reform Brandeis on the Supreme Court Keating-Owen Child Labor Act Chapter 22

28 Woodrow Wilson and the Politics of Morality
The Limits of Progressive Reform Curbing minorities The strength of market capitalism Chapter 22

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