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Chapter 7 Newspapers. Forerunners Rome—acta diurna (daily acts) Venice—16the century sold for first time for a gazetta Corantos Germany 1609/London 1621.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Newspapers. Forerunners Rome—acta diurna (daily acts) Venice—16the century sold for first time for a gazetta Corantos Germany 1609/London 1621."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Newspapers

2 Forerunners Rome—acta diurna (daily acts) Venice—16the century sold for first time for a gazetta Corantos Germany 1609/London 1621 Amsterdam in multiple languages 1665 Oxford Gazette/later London Gazette first English language paper 1702 Daily Courant first English Daily All were censored by government

3 Colonial Era 1690-1820 Benjamin Harris 1690 Publick Occurences Both Foreign and Domestic Government put him out of business; he was very seditious both in England and the Colonies Boston News-Letter 1704 Postmasters are early publishers;appointed by government Early papers dealt with British news approved by the Crown

4 John Peter Zenger 1733 New York Weekly Journal Wrote attacks on Governor William Cosby Found not guilty of libel Sent message that public was no longer going to remain compliant to government suppression of the press

5 The Revolution Most colonial newspapers were published by printers by trade All were fairly loyal UNTIL British Parliament passed Stamp Act in 1765; this taxed all legal documents, books, newspapers, etc. Followed by the Townsend Acts; taxed tea, wine, oil, etc

6 Taxation without Representation This begins publishing’s attack on the government and first calls for revolution Articles of Confederation 1781 Constitution 1787 Federalist Papers –New York newspapers –Series of articles defending constitution aid in its ratification

7 Two Party System Two Party System of Government begins early with: –Federalists Alexander Hamilton –Republicans Thomas Jefferson –Newspapers took sides and sometimes were actually operated by one of the parties Alien and Sedition Acts (not again!) Mercantile newspapers—business news /The Courier, The Enquirer, and the Journal of Commerce

8 Penny Press Era 1833-1865 Begins Popular Stage of EPS Cycle 1833 Benjamin Day New York Sun Aimed at public; cost only “pennies”; Therefore, common man could afford it Up until this, elite only Large circulation begins (rotary press) Morse, AP, syndicates begin

9 Inverted Pyramid All elements of the story should appear in the first paragraph: who, what, where, when, why and how Still used today Originally, from telegraph transmissions that were interrupted during the Civil War

10 Yellow Journalism Era 1865-1900 The change in this country in this 35 year period is dramatic Civil War Population doubles Industrial Revolution Saw first real competition between newspapers

11 The Players Joseph Pulitzer New York World –Wanted accuracy –Wanted reform and to use newspapers to affect change William Randolph Hearst New York Journal –Also originally crusades for use of newspapers to protect public Edward Wyllis Scripps Cleveland –He too originally fought for justice through newspaper content

12 Yellow Journalism Scandalous Sex Violence Promotional stunts Anything to outsell the others Sound familiar?

13 The Good Side Pulitzer’s name becomes associated with the most prestigious prize in journalism Hearst’s career becomes classic film Citizen Kane Scripps establishes UPI in 1907

14 20 th Century Press 1900-Present Enter the voice of reason Adolph Ochs New York Times 1896 Objective coverage All the News That’s fit to Print Still on the banner; still considered the paper of record by many Offshoot: needed outlet for yellow journalism

15 20 th Century Continued Jazz journalism; jazz it up Jazz age of 1920s Forerunners of National Enquirer and other tabloids Tabloid is actually a half sheet of newspaper; it originally meant the size of the actual paper New York Illustrated Daily News

16 EPS Cycle American Newspaper stay in popular stage Some exceptions: –African American –Latino –Native American –Non-English Language

17 EPS Exceptions Freedom’s Journal 1827 John B. Russwurm and Reverend Samuel Cornish—pre-Civil War Other African American journalists of 20 th century were Charlotta Bass of Los Angeles published California Eagle El Misisipi New Orleans 1808 Cherokee Phoenix North Georgia 1828 Cherokee—Sequoia developed an 80 character alphabet; oral tradition Village Voice New York City “alternative”

18 More EPS All of these papers were used to present alternate ideas and change perceptions and treatment of groups of people Rolling Stone sells out/Clay from American Idol ONA On-line News Association –Advertising guidelines What is the future?

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