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VIVA UPDATE ILL COMMUNITY FORUM JULY 17, 2015 Anne C. Osterman, VIVA Director.

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Presentation on theme: "VIVA UPDATE ILL COMMUNITY FORUM JULY 17, 2015 Anne C. Osterman, VIVA Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 VIVA UPDATE ILL COMMUNITY FORUM JULY 17, 2015 Anne C. Osterman, VIVA Director

2 VIVA ILL 1996-2015 2,094,541 Total Loans!

3 VIVA Interlibrary Loan Resources

4 Cooperative Borrowing Project  Now a standing VIVA program with 39 participating institutions  Allows students, faculty, and staff at VIVA institutions to borrow materials on-site at any participating library  A map of the participating institutions has been added to the VIVA website

5 Cooperative Borrowing Project

6 Collection Cancellations  FY15 Cancellations:  American Mathematical Society Journals  CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online)  Elsevier E-Book Frontlist not purchased for 2015  MathSciNet  ProQuest Congressional (ends 9/30/15)  Springer Earth & Environmental Science e-book collection not purchased for 2015  Anticipated 7% budget cut for FY16 has been limited to a 5% cut

7 RFP for Nursing and Social Sciences Resources  ProQuest Sociological Abstracts and PAIS and the Ovid LWW Total Access collection shifted from public-wide subscription to opt-in  New EBSCO full text databases for the public institutions:  CINAHL is now CINAHL with Full Text  EconLit with Full Text (also a Private Pooled Funds product)  Political Science Complete  SocINDEX with Full Text

8 Monographic Collection Analysis Project: The Basics  Took place from 2013-2015  Pilot group of 12 libraries – doctoral, 4 year, 2 year, private  Included in the analysis:  All circulating, English language print monographs  Main libraries only  A total of just under 6 million records

9 Monographic Collection Analysis Project: Resulting Initiatives  A Memorandum of Understanding to protect the unique and rare titles (unique in Virginia and held by fewer than 10 libraries in the United States)  A Memorandum of Understanding for the cooperative retention of widely-held monographs by eight of the institutions  Establishing a voluntary recommended threshold of four copies for new print monograph purchases  Focusing VIVA ebook acquisitions on publishers with widely and highly and recently used print titles

10 Monographic Collection Analysis Project: Focus on Widely-Held Retention  Designed to allow for safe deduplication across the consortium  Protects two holdings for each title with one or more uses and one holding for each title with zero uses  Allocation was done through a prioritization of subject areas for each institution  Protected titles are flagged in GreenGlass so that institutions can use this software to generate weeding lists that exclude these titles

11 Oxford Scholarship Online  New to VIVA this year!  2015 Frontlist  Will total 1,089 books in a wide range of disciplines  Allows E-ILL at the chapter level

12 Additional VIVA Meetings  Virginia Heritage Town Meeting, August 2015  Collections Forum, September 2015

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