Who are the Allied Leaders? The men who saved the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Who are the Allied Leaders? The men who saved the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who are the Allied Leaders? The men who saved the world

2 President Franklin Roosevelt O 1933-1945 O Got us out of the Great Depression and WWII O Longest serving President in history

3 President Harry Truman O 1945-1951 O Took over when FDR died O Dropped the bombs on Japan ending the war

4 Dwight Eisenhower O Supreme Allied Commander of WWII O Future President of the U.S. (1952-1960)

5 George C. Marshall O U.S. Army Chief of Staff during WWII O Responsible for building and supplying our army O Eventual Sec. of State for President Truman and authored the Marshall Plan

6 George Patton O General of the Army in Europe O Commanded the 3 rd Army O Nickname: Old Blood and Guts

7 Douglas MacArthur O Commander of all forces in in the South Pacific O Returned to liberate the Philippines after escaping two years prior

8 Chester Nimitz Commander of all forces in the Central Pacific Top Naval Commander for both theaters in WWII

9 Neville Chamberlain O British Prime Minister until May 1940 O Appeased Hitler and signed the Munich Agreement

10 Winston Churchill O British Prime Minister through WWII O Kept England in war through the Battle of Britain

11 Charles De Gaulle O French Prime Minister through WWII O Escaped France to lead the resistance from England

12 Chiang Kai-Shek O Leader of the Chinese Nationalist party during China’s Civil War against the Communist O Leader of Chinese forces against Japan

13 Josef Stalin? O Soviet Dictator throughout WWII O Fought the Nazis back to Berlin O Ally?

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