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Dr. Amal Gamal Shehata Associate Professor RAK College of Dental Science VI Semester BDS 2011 Conscious and unconscious in psychology.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Amal Gamal Shehata Associate Professor RAK College of Dental Science VI Semester BDS 2011 Conscious and unconscious in psychology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Amal Gamal Shehata Associate Professor RAK College of Dental Science VI Semester BDS 2011 Conscious and unconscious in psychology

2 Consciousness  Consciousness refers to an organism’s awareness of itself and its surroundings. The awareness varies depending on our attention to the task at hand. Ex: driving.  Consciousness describes what we are aware of but many things are processed outside of our “consciousness.”

3 Daydreams and Fantasies Almost everyone daydreams at one point or another. Young adults tend to fantasize more than older adults. Why Might Daydreaming Be Helpful and Adaptive for Humans? A way to escape. Prepare for future events. Aware of unfinished business. Increase creativity. Substitute for impulsive behavior.

4 Circadian Rhythm: Sleepiness depend on the time of day. Even in an unchanging environment,people become sleepy in cycles of approximately 24 hours.people adjust their internally generated cycles so they feel alert during the day and sleepy at night. One cycle lasts about 24 hours ( e.g. sleep-waking cycle ). Light is an external cue that can set the circadian rhythm.

5 Level of Consciousness {LOC} Level of consciousness (LOC) is a measurement of a person's arousability and responsiveness to stimuli from the environment.arousabilitystimuli Glasgow coma scale have been designed to measure level of consciousness. Glasgow coma scale Assessment of LOC involves checking orientation: people who are able promptly and spontaneously to state their name, location, and the date or time are said to be oriented to self place and time

6 Altered states of Consciousness Waking and Sleeping These two states which are so different are regularly experienced by everybody every day. Some people experience a pronounced hypnogogic state in between waking and sleeping and some people get vivid hallucinations during this state.

7 Altered states of Consciousness Dreaming Dreaming involves a state which is physiologically and psychologically different from deep sleep. Lucid dream is a still different mode of functioning where the dreamer has the awareness that he is dreaming. This state is said to be conducive for gaining insight into and awareness of the unconscious.

8 Altered states of Consciousness Hypnosis This state is characterized by increased suggestibility and surrender of one's will. The hypnotic state is characterized by: A.Narrow and focused attention. B.Imagination. C.Passive receptive attitude. D.Reduced reaction to pain. E.Heightened suggestibility.

9 Theories of Dreaming Psychoanalytic: Dreams represent disguised symbols of repressed desires and anxieties. Biological: Dreams represent random activation of brain cells during sleep. Cognitive: Dreams help to sift and sort the events of the day. 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

10 Etiological factors regarding an altered level of consciousness Alterations in the chemical environment of the brain (e.g. exposure to poisons) Insufficient oxygen or blood flow in the brain, and excessive pressure within the skull. Prolonged unconsciousness is understood to be a sign of a medical emergency. A deficit in the level of consciousness suggests that both of the cerebral hemispheres or the reticular activating system have been injured.

11 Neurology of Consciousness Consciousness is distributed throughout the brain  Hindbrain and midbrain are important for arousal and for Sleep.  Damage to the reticular formation can lead to coma.  Prefrontal cortex is key for conscious control of information processing.

12 Techniques to discover the unconscious Hypnosis. { An artificially induced altered state of consciousness, characterized by heightened suggestibility and receptivity to direction }. Dream interpretation. {Dreams are the product of unconscious wishes}. Free association { In psychoanalysis, a method of exploring the unconscious. Person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind, no matter how trivial or embarrassing}

13 Altered states of Consciousness Sleep An altered state of consciousness. Refers to the periodic, natural, reversible loss of consciousness. We spend about a third of our lives in sleep. Using an EEG, sleep researchers have shown the mind is “awake” during various stages of sleep. Sleep is an occasion for restorative functions in the brain.

14 Stages of Sleep Hypnagogic state: “ pre-sleep” stage marked by : visual, auditory and kinesthetic sensations. Non-REM sleep Stage one Stage two Stage three Stage four REM sleep: Rapid eyes movements, High frequency brain waves, Paralysis of large muscles and dreaming

15 Sleep Stages: Stage 1 During Stage 1 sleep, we often experience hallucinations: false sensory experiences. 5 minutes

16 Second Stage: Sleep Spindles After about 5 minutes in stage 1 sleep, you sleep into Stage 2 sleep which is characterized by Sleep Spindles: Bursts of rapid, rhythmic, brain wave activity on an EEG. Stage where sleep talking can occur in this stage or any other later stage. 20 minutes.

17 Stage Three: Transition Stage Stage three begins your descent into “slow wave sleep.” {large, slow brain waves associated with deep sleep} Delta Waves: begin appearing in stage 3 but are increasingly apparent in Stage 4.

18 Stage Four: Delta Waves  Stage of deep sleep characterized by Delta Waves.  Stage when you are hard to awaken…but still aware of stimuli around you.  Stage at which children may Wet the bed or sleep walk. Experience night terrors.

19 Night Terrors Occur during late stage 4 sleep and are characterized by high arousal and an appearance of terror but are seldom remembered.

20 R.E.M. Sleep (Rapid Eye Movement sleep) After stage 4, your bodies cycles back to stage 3, stage 2, and into REM sleep. A Normal Sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes. R.E.M: Stage where vivid dreams or nightmares occur. Known as Paradoxical because muscles are relaxed yet body is highly active. Heart rate increases, Breathing more rapid, eyes dart behind lids.

21 Sleep disorders : Dysomnias Insomnia refers to a difficulty in getting to sleep or remaining. Sleep apnea: person stops breathing and is awakened when blood levels of carbon dioxide stimulate breathing. Narcolepsy: Sleep appears at odd times. {Sleep attack: urge to sleep during the day}

22 Sleep disorders : Nightmares: Anxiety-arousing dreams generally occurring during REM sleep. Night Terrors: Abrupt awakenings from NREM sleep { stage 4 –delta-waves }accompanied by intense physiological arousal and feelings of panic. Parasomnias

23 Most Parasomnias are dissociated sleep states which are partial arousals during the transitions between wakefulness and NREM sleep, or wakefulness and REM sleep.

24 Thanks

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