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Our Campus, Our Coverage Introductory Webinar October 9, 2012 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Campus, Our Coverage Introductory Webinar October 9, 2012 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Campus, Our Coverage Introductory Webinar October 9, 2012 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT

2 Introductions Melissa Torres-Montoya Raising Women’s Voices for the Health Care We Need Amy Allina Raising Women’s Voices for the Health Care We Need Maryanne Tomazic Raising Women’s Voices for the Health Care We Need Kimberly Inez McGuire National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health Jeryl Hayes Raising Women’s Voices for the Health Care We Need Mari Schimmer Choice USA

3 Outline Introduction to Our Campus, Our Coverage What the Affordable Care Act means to us New no-copay coverage for women’s preventive services Why our voice matters Ways to get involved

4 What is “Our Campus, Our Coverage”? Health education and advocacy campaign We need to get the facts about our health coverage. We need to spread the word among young women and make sure people know that actual women are benefitting from the health care law.

5 What did we already gain from the Affordable Care Act? We can stay on family health insurance policies until we turn 26. We can get key preventive health care without additional costs (i.e. tobacco cessation services, screening for depression, diet counseling, vaccinations). We cannot be denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions (for young adults under 19). We cannot get dropped from our insurance plan simply because we got sick.

6 “When you are chronically ill like me, good health insurance is the difference between living life with a disease or your disease leading your life. … Because ObamaCare provided me the option to stay on my parent's insurance until I was 26 … it gave me the time and flexibility to choose a career path I love rather than one that offers me insurance. You cannot overstate the importance of such freedom.” Read more from her column in USA TodayUSA Today Emily Schlichting, 22 Diagnosed as a freshman in college with Behcet’s Disease (Photo from USA Today)

7 What will we gain in 2014? We won’t be turned down for health coverage because we have a pre-existing condition. We won’t have to pay more for health insurance just because we are women. We will be able to get affordable health coverage, even if our jobs don’t provide health insurance.

8 Women’s Preventive Services As of Aug 1, new health insurance plans are required to provide women with coverage for certain preventive health care without extra charges, like co-pays. Student plans typically start in the middle of August.

9 Women’s Preventive Services ctd. Covered services include: –ALL prescribed FDA-approved contraception (the Pill, NuvaRing, Depo-Provera, etc.) –HIV screening and counseling –Sexually transmitted infections (STI) counseling –HPV DNA testing –Domestic violence screening & counseling –Well-woman visits –Breastfeeding support, supplies and counseling –Diabetes screening for pregnant women

10 Student Health Plan vs Parental Health Plan? Staying on your parents’ plan may provide many advantages It may also pose some problems –Privacy concerns –“Grandfathered” plan

11 How can we get birth control without a copay? Use an FDA-approved contraceptive method Obtain method from an “in- network” provider The new health law does not apply to a minority of student health plans, but these plans may still cover contraceptives!

12 What’s happening at your college? Help us find out whether YOUR college is complying! –“Is your campus giving you the coverage you need?” –“Frequently Asked Questions” Report your findings!

13 Take Action if your college is not complying 1.Identify the decision maker 2.Build a coalition and develop a strategy 3.Ask for what you want 4.Take visible action

14 Take Action if your college is not complying Our Campus, Our Coverage resources to come –Sample letter to an administrator –Sample OpEd Start a Facebook group Twitter bomb Petition Reach out to parents & alumni … be creative!

15 Why your voice matters The new health law helps you take control of your health and body. These changes help you save money. Other young women need to hear about these benefits. Your voice will help make sure politicians don’t take this law away.

16 Get Involved! Organize an event to spread the word –This PowerPoint can be found on our website. Write a blog –Let us know! Educate your friends Share stories with us on Twitter & Facebook!

17 Story Collection Contest Challenge: Collect stories of young women who are already seeing these benefits in their plans These stories will help put a face to who benefits from this health care law. Register & get your unique #hashtag to link your stories to your account (Read the rules!)Read the rules! Submit stories via Twitter, Facebook, or upload them online.upload them online Prizes include funding for food & drink at a study break and a surprise RWV Swag Package! Twitter Image Credit Facebook Image Credit

18 Sample stories I just started college & am not ready to start a family. #BC w/o copays will help me stay in school & work towards my dream job. #ourcoverage I get my insurance through my school’s student plan, and now I can get birth control without paying a co-pay each month. I go to school full-time and work at night to make ends meet. No co-pays means one less thing to worry about! #ourcoverage

19 Questions? E-mail

20 For more information… Raising Women’s Voices Choice USA National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health Black Women’s Health Imperative

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