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Higher Education in Greece 2 equal HEI’s sectors of Degree granting Institutes: T.E.Is ---- Universities.

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Presentation on theme: "Higher Education in Greece 2 equal HEI’s sectors of Degree granting Institutes: T.E.Is ---- Universities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Higher Education in Greece 2 equal HEI’s sectors of Degree granting Institutes: T.E.Is ---- Universities

2 Higher Education in Greece Postgraduate Studies Offered by: - Universities -T.E.Is in collaboration with Universities

3 Examples of Postgraduate Programs MA’s PhDs I n collaboration with Ioannina University in dyslexia & communication

4 Mission & Strategy within a E.U. scope 1.The provision of High Quality Education and Training. 2. Bilateral and Multilateral projects, co-operation and collaboration with the other Social Partners, securing a European component. 3.Initiatives taken with the other Social Partners towards sustainable development and life

5 Mission supporting strategy 1.Take initiatives within the EU programs without any prejudice to sex, origin, religion or other physical obstacles 2. Establish or Join in Thematic Networks to exchange experience towards European Added Value 3.Promote the principles of the BOLOGNA DECLARATION for the one space in the Higher Education 4.ERASMUS and the LLP frame lines

6 The T.E.I. of Patra and the European Education and Training Programs Lifelong Learning Program (LLP) Erasmus Erasmus Intensive Language Courses (E.I.L.C.) Leonardo Da Vinci Jean Monnet Programme for understanding European integration Transversal Programme Mobility

7 -European Summer University 2008 for Renewable Energy Systems (RES): "e-Technologies on Renewable Energy Systems (R.E.S.): Teaching & Learning " June 29- July 12, 2008 Intensive Programmes (IP) cofounded by Erasmus /.

8 European Summer School 2007 for Renewable Energy Systems (RES) Renewable Energy Systems, (R.E.S) (PV, Solar Thermal, Wind, Hybrids), and an International Conference on Virtual Reality July 1- July 8, 2007 Intensive Programmes (IP) cofounded by Erasmus./.

9 Intensive Programmes (IP) cofounded by Erasmus./. -I.C.T. tools: PV-systems engineering: Teaching & Learning July 3 – July 18 2006

10 Intensive Programmes (IP) cofounded by Erasmus./ Target Groups:  Graduates and Post-graduates to specialize on Photo-voltaic Systems.  Professionals who require an updating and widening of their professional horizons and competitiveness.  Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)

11 TEMPUS: Erasmus Mundus 'External Co-operation Window'. (EM ECW) –The T.E.I. of Patra is a Partner in this scheme at the LOT 1 and LOT 2 third countries groups. –LOT 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia –LOT 2: Egypt, Israel, West-bank & Gaza Strip –Students and staff of graduate and postgraduate level are hosted in the T.E.I. of Patra.

12 Tempus:Partners of T.E.I./ Partners of T.E.I.: American University in Cairo (Egypt) Helwan University (Egypt) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel) Hebron University of Palestine (Palestine) Also the T.E.I. of Patra is interested to establish relations with institutes at Moldova, Russia, India and Hanoi. Till now the T.E.I. of Patra had participated in the Quality Evaluation of Education program as a supervisor in Latvia and Lithuania.

13 Policy on Research and Technology Development (RTD)  キ Enable researchers to move and interact seamlessly, benefit from world-class infrastructures and work with excellent networks of research institutions  キ Share, teach, value and use knowledge effectively for social, business and policy purposes;  キ Optimise and open European, national and regional research programmes in order to support the best research throughout Europe and coordinate these programmes to address major challenges together;  キ Develop strong links with partners around the world so that Europe benefits from the worldwide progress of knowledge, contributes to global development and takes a leading role in international initiatives to solve global issues.

14 The T.E.I. of Patra and the European Research Framework Programmes ADEPT, concerning the Design and Development of Environmentally friendly material; VEGA: Design of Virtual Reality Environment; CRISTAL: Technology Transfer of Renewable Energy Technology, provide a highlight of RTD activities jointly with other European Universities partners. Cooperation in the field of Scientific research and Technical research, (CO.S.T.)programme. The Operational Programme of Initial Education and Training (EPEAEK)

15 Other EU programmes  キ Interreg III  キ Minerva

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