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Writing the Introduction to the Study Dissertation Editors Writing Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing the Introduction to the Study Dissertation Editors Writing Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing the Introduction to the Study Dissertation Editors Writing Center

2 Agenda Overview of capstone process Descriptions of chapter/section content by program Tips on writing, revision, and resources

3 Capstone process: After KAMs and/or courses Prospectus Proposal DBA: Sn. 1, 2DBA EdD (project): Sn. 1, 2EdD EdD (research): Sn. 1, 2, 3EdD PhD: Ch. 1, 2, 3PhD All: abstract, reference list, appendices IRB IRB application Dissertation or doctoral study

4 DBA doctoral study: Section 1 State focus and need of study. Justify scholarly value to the field. ~ 1 page Foundation of the study Overview of context or attributes of problem (applied business practice) ~ 1-3 pages Background

5 DBA: Problem statement Catch reader’s attention Include citation from literature Hook Confirm reader’s attention Include citation from literature Anchor Describe overall issue, situational dynamics, or related factors General business problem Provide precise statement of what will be explored in the study Specific business problem ~ 100-200 words

6 DBA: Purpose statement Qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method Research method & design Independent/dependent (experimental study) or correlation (relationships, comparison) Research variables Justify selections Population & location Describe study’s potential for social and business practice change Social & practical change ~ 250-350 words

7 DBA: Nature of the study; research questions Discuss reason for selecting method & design Cite one source; direct reader to details in Section 2 Nature of the study In 10-15 words, what do you want to learn? How (process, perceptions), why (causation), or what (impediments, support). List interview questions separately. Hypotheses (quantitative/mixed method only): H1 0, H1 a Research questions

8 DBA: Framework and operational definitions Theoretical base: Quantitative Conceptual framework: Qualitative Describe the management theory, author, date; how it has been used in another study; how it applies to yours. Framework List technical terms or special word uses Alphabetical order; indented in italics Citations required from journals (not general dictionary) Operational definitions

9 DBA: Assumptions, Limitations, Delimitations and Significance Facts assumed to be true (not verified) Assumptions Potential weaknesses of the study Limitations Bounds you set for the study Delimitations Fill gaps in business understanding/practice Contribute to social change and improvement of business practice Significance of the study

10 DBA: Literature Review and Summary Writing Center Literature Review pageLiterature Review Writing Center literature review webinarliterature review webinar Center for Research Quality Common Errors in Literature Review videoCommon Errors in Literature Review video Literature review Brief review of key (not all) points; do not list headings Overview of remaining sections Clear transition to Section 2. Summary

11 EdD project: Local Problem & Special Terms Describe problem in local context Mention setting, population, and rationale (justification) for studying this problem ~ 2-4 pages Local problem List technical terms or special word uses associated with problem Alphabetical order; indented in italics Support with citations. Special terms

12 EdD project: Problem statement There is a significant problem in this rural school district. That problem, specifically, is the achievement gap. Draft language Sixth-grade students in this rural school district failed to achieve state standards in math in 2010. Lack of funding for middle-school math teachers’ ongoing development could be one reason. This qualitative study... Final proposal One paragraph to one page long

13 EdD project: Significance & research question Describe why problem deserves closer study. Significance of the problem Summarize past research on topic Specify local problem (briefly—not in as much detail as in the Local Problem heading above) Identify gap in past research (as applicable) and the type of research needed to address local problem Research questions

14 EdD project: Literature review, implications, & summary Writing Center Literature Review pageLiterature Review Writing Center literature review webinarliterature review webinar Center for Research Quality Common Errors in Literature Review videoCommon Errors in Literature Review video Literature review Describe possible directions for project based on anticipated findings of data collection and analysis. Implications Brief review of key (not all) points; do not list headings Overview of remaining sections Clear transition to Section 2. Summary

15 PhD & EdD research: Opening, problem & purpose statements 2-4 page summary of local problem and rationale for studying it (EdD) 2-4 page summary of literature demonstrating gap (PhD) Introduction to the study Quantitative: Describe at least two variables and conjectured relationship between them. Qualitative: Describe need for increased understanding. One paragraph to one page long Problem statement Logical, explicit statement: The purpose of this study is [this]. One paragraph (~ half a page) Purpose statement

16 PhD & EdD research: Nature of the study Quantitative: Two+ variables and relationship between them. Qualitative: Need for greater understanding of topic. Refer readers to discussions in Chapter/Section 3. Nature of the Study Theoretical base: Quantitative Conceptual framework: Qualitative PhD: Ideas from literature that form basis for study EdD research: Ideas from local setting that justify study. Framework Define technical terms, jargon, or familiar words used in specialized ways Alphabetical order; indented in italics Do not define familiar definitions of familiar terms (e.g., data, perceptions). Operational definitions

17 PhD &EdD research: Assumptions, limitations, delimitations, & significance Facts assumed to be true (not verified) Assumptions Potential weaknesses of the study Limitations Bounds you set for the study Delimitations EdD: How the study can be applied to local problem; potential for positive social change PhD: How the study can fill gap in literature; potential positive social changes Significance of the study

18 PhD & EdD research: Summary Brief review of key (not all) points; do not list headings Overview of remaining sections Clear transition to Chapter/Section 2. Summary

19 Templates Scroll down and locate the correct template for your program

20 Planning and writing tips 1.Ask committee chair for exemplar studies to read – Walden dissertations database Walden dissertations database 2.Write every day, even if only a paragraph or notes. – Tips for avoiding writer’s block Tips for avoiding writer’s block 3.Write short sentences with varied sentence structure. – Watch APA and sentence-level webinars Watch APA and sentence-level webinars 4.Seek guidance from committee chair, Writing Center tutors, and support network when you need it.Writing Center tutors

21 Readers’ comments Readers ask you to explain your ideas more clearly. Why? You are immersed in your topic. You know more about your topic than other educated readers in and outside of your field. In readers’ comments, you may reasonably expect Criticism, questions, and corrections. Comments asking you to explain more clearly or elaborate on your thoughts. Rejection of document drafts, not of you.

22 Writing Center Questions?

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