Joint UNECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics, 22-24 March 2005, Geneva Consistency of European forest products statistics 1961-2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint UNECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics, 22-24 March 2005, Geneva Consistency of European forest products statistics 1961-2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint UNECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics, 22-24 March 2005, Geneva Consistency of European forest products statistics 1961-2000 Adrian Whiteman FAO, Rome

2 Joint UNECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics, 22-24 March 2005, Geneva Flow of wood raw materials through the forest products sector

3 Joint UNECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics, 22-24 March 2005, Geneva Conversion factors used in the wood raw material balance analysis Product Sub-region Western EuropeEastern EuropeCIS Coniferous sawnwood1.42 - 2.101.50 - 2.001.60 - 2.00 Non-coniferous sawnwood1.46 - 3.521.40 - 2.101.45 - 2.00 Particleboard 1.20 - 1.801.40 - 1.801.40 - 1.60 Fibreboard 1.50 - 1.941.80 - 3.302.80 - 3.00 Plywood1.50 - 3.101.80 - 2.902.50 - 2.70 Veneer sheets 1.20 - 3.101.70 - 2.902.00 - 2.90 Mechanical pulp 2.16 - 2.601.20 - 2.901.20 - 2.50 Chemical pulp 4.48 - 4.704.50 - 6.404.48 - 5.21 Semi-chemical pulp 2.20 - 2.902.30 - 3.202.86 - 2.90 Newsprint 3.20 3.50 Printing and writing paper 4.00 4.20 Other paper and paperboard 3.39 - 3.403.40 - 4.703.80 Recovered paper 3.80 Note: the above conversion factors show the amount of industrial roundwood (cubic metres underbark) required to produce one unit of output (one metric tonne of pulp or paper or one cubic metre of sawnwood or panels).

4 Joint UNECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics, 22-24 March 2005, Geneva Trends in wood raw material demand in Europe: 1961 - 2000

5 Joint UNECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics, 22-24 March 2005, Geneva Trends in wood raw material consumption in Europe: 1961 - 2000

6 Joint UNECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics, 22-24 March 2005, Geneva Wood raw material consumption, Western Europe: 1961 - 2000

7 Joint UNECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics, 22-24 March 2005, Geneva Wood raw material consumption, Eastern Europe: 1961 - 2000

8 Joint UNECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics, 22-24 March 2005, Geneva Estimated utilisation of wood residues from 1961 to 2000

9 Joint UNECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics, 22-24 March 2005, Geneva The European wood raw material balance (average 1996 - 2000) ComponentEurope Sub-regions Western Europe Eastern Europe CIS Derived demand for wood raw materials Other industrial roundwood34.36.311.116.9 Sawnwood, plywood and veneer sheets234.2150.541.542.2 Reconstituted panels71.750.814.56.4 Net pulp exports31.724.51.16.0 Paper and paperboard335.2293.325.016.9 Total derived demand707.1525.493.388.4 Consumption of wood raw materials Industrial roundwood431.4270.881.079.7 Recovered paper139.6123.710.45.5 Net pulp imports55.651.93.30.3 Other80.679.1-1.42.9 - net imports of chips, particles and residues0.12.6-1.8-0.6 - utilisation of wood residues80.476.50.43.5 Total consumption707.1525.493.388.4

10 Joint UNECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics, 22-24 March 2005, Geneva Comments, questions and guidance please! Especially: Conversion factors – changed in 1990s, need for new survey? Recovered wood products – new source of wood raw materials, need to add to JFSQ? Degradation in production and trade statistics (especially trade). Increased trade in semi-processed products?

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