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Preparing for your paramedical Common questions and answers about preparing for a paramedical examination, and some additional information that you may.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for your paramedical Common questions and answers about preparing for a paramedical examination, and some additional information that you may."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for your paramedical Common questions and answers about preparing for a paramedical examination, and some additional information that you may find helpful………..

2 What is a paramedical examination? A health professional will record your medical history, measure your height and weight, take blood pressure readings, and obtain a urine sample.

3 Difference between a paramedical and a medical examination… A medical examination is more comprehensive than a paramedical. During a medical examination, in addition to your history and vital statistics, a doctor will also perform a full physical examination including listening to your chest, palpating your abdomen and examining your eyes, ears and throat.

4 What information should I have with me? Be sure to have all of your doctor(s)’ contact information, including full name(s), address(s), phone/fax number, as well as a list of your medications, vitamins and any supplements.

5 When should I schedule my appointment? You should be sure to schedule your appointment at a time and place that are convenient for you. It may stressful for you to have an appointment at the end of a busy work day or a day of traveling, so be sure to take this into consideration.

6 Where will the appointment be? Typically a paramedical can be done at your home, office or the paramedical company’s office – whichever you prefer. A medical examination must be done either at the doctor’s office or the paramedical company’s office.

7 How do I prepare for a blood test? For the best results on your blood test, you should fast for 12 hours prior to the blood being drawn, unless otherwise recommended for medical reasons. For your convenience, you may schedule your appointment first thing in the morning. The intake of any food or liquid during the fasting period can affect the results of your blood test.

8 Can I go to the gym on the day of my examination? You should not exercise strenuously just before a paramedical or medical exam, or before giving a urine sample.

9 Important things to know: A test for cotinine (a by-product of nicotine) in your saliva or urine test will be performed. Wear light clothing for weighing in: 2lbs of heavy clothing can make a big difference in preferred underwriting It is very important that you fully disclose your medical history. Non–disclosure or providing incorrect information can have a serious impact on the validity of your insurance contract. Thank You

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