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Greg Johnson, Athletic Director, North Central University Matt Higgins, Asst. Exec. Dir., Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Greg Johnson, Athletic Director, North Central University Matt Higgins, Asst. Exec. Dir., Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greg Johnson, Athletic Director, North Central University Matt Higgins, Asst. Exec. Dir., Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

2  Positive Breaking News  Greg Johnson  Crisis Management  Matt Higgins


4  Research  When was the last time…?  Records, bios, facts in place  Flash drive/hidden website ready at all times  Communication  Alert key campus contacts of “could happen” scenarios

5  Bring an assistant or student help  The more meaningful content you can provide, the better.  Great experience/exposure for your assistant(s).  Buy the photographer (within a reasonable cost)  You never know when a $75 cost will turn into a profitable investment.  Don’t put “photography” in your event job description

6  Don’t wait for the media to come to you.  Reach out to them individually.  Have key contacts ready.  Be ready to make it personal. You want them to come on campus. Make a connection with them.  Develop external relationships.  Dave Wright  Patrick Reusse  Minneapolis Star Tribune & ESPN Radio

7  The ESPN Factor:  and  Quality > Quantity  High quality is better than speed. It’s ok to wait (to an extent).

8  Having an accessible media vault   Use a hashtag if appropriate  Channel the messaging to the right place

9  Track your stats  Social media and website statistics  Can be used to gain buy-in for future investment  Sleep!  Athletes wear down over the course of a game. So do you!  Don’t plan a vacation!  Block out potential future dates.

10  Develop a plan  Communicate effectively  Respond & React

11  Gather details and opinions  Research topic, learn what’s out there  Make decisions and/or take action  Prepare communications  In-house, press release, social media  Anticipate media coverage  Statements, Interviews, Talking points

12  Communicate details in order of importance  Example: Department/Membership/Conf. office, NCAA, Media, Public, Social Media  Control the message  Face issues head-on  Take control of information shared  Share talking points with all involved  Be professional, but also be human  Share what needs to be shared  Show compassion when called for

13  Working with media  Be available, direct and honest  Set parameters for interviews  All parties should work from same talking points  Use opportunity to build relationships  Social Media  Monitor the discussion  Control what you can control  Think before you interact  Monitor coverage  Know what’s being reported

14  In conclusion…  Plan, Communicate, Respond & React  Always be prepared  It’ll eventually blow over

15  Any questions?  Further discussion  Powerpoint online

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