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Chapter 14 Stress and Illness. Stress and Health Stress is a risk factor for the development of disease Stress may aggravate an existing disease or interfere.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 14 Stress and Illness. Stress and Health Stress is a risk factor for the development of disease Stress may aggravate an existing disease or interfere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14 Stress and Illness

2 Stress and Health Stress is a risk factor for the development of disease Stress may aggravate an existing disease or interfere with recovery Stress may reduce compliance with treatment for disease

3 Stress and Disease  Negative emotions and health-related consequences Unhealthy behaviors (smoking, drinking, poor nutrition and sleep) Persistent stressors and negative emotions Release of stress hormones Heart disease Immune suppression Autonomic nervous system effects (headaches, hypertension)

4 Chronic vs. acute stress We are designed to handle acute stress Chronic stress is a modern phenomenon that has negative effects on our health Hormones released during the stress response have negative effects when released continuously cortisol suppresses the immune system and disrupts sleep adrenaline can increase risk factors for cardiovascular disease and sleep problems

5 Stress and the heart Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America  Coronary Heart Disease  clogging of the vessels that nourish the heart muscle  leading cause of death in many developed countries

6 Stress and the Heart  Leading causes of death in the US in 1900 and 2000

7 Stress and the heart Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America Research links stress to increased risk of heart disease Type A vs. Type B personality Type A linked to heart attacks hostility is the key factor in Type As sympathetic nervous system in Type As works overtime

8 Stress and the Heart  Type A  Friedman and Rosenman’s term for competitive, hard-driving, impatient, verbally aggressive, and anger-prone people  Type B  Friedman and Rosenman’s term for easygoing, relaxed people

9 Toxic traits Pessimism Negative interpretation of events Hostility An aggressively reactive temperament Hopelessness A sense of no control over events

10 Stress and the Heart Hopelessness scores 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Heart attack Death Low riskModerate riskHigh risk Men who feel extreme hopelessness are at greater risk for heart attacks and early death

11 Stress and the Heart

12 Stressful Life Events  Chronic Stress by Age

13 Life events Tendency toward HealthIllness Personal appraisal ChallengeThreat Personality type Easy going Nondepressed Optimistic Hostile Depressed Pessimistic Personality habits Nonsmoking Regular exercise Good nutrition Smoking Sedentary Poor nutrition Level of social support Close, enduringLacking

14 Stress and Disease  Psychophysiological Illness  “mind-body” illness  any stress-related physical illness  some forms of hypertension  some headaches  distinct from hypochondriasis-- misinterpreting normal physical sensations as symptoms of a disease

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