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Ann Marie Paraszczuk, Ed D, RN Molloy College  Level III course focusing nursing care of childbearing families  75 clinical hours: 6 - 12 hr days +

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2 Ann Marie Paraszczuk, Ed D, RN Molloy College

3  Level III course focusing nursing care of childbearing families  75 clinical hours: 6 - 12 hr days + 1 hr orientation, 2 hr prepared childbirth or parenting class and 4 hour simulation experience built into the clinical time (schedule sent by email)

4  Use nursing process  Utilize theory to support rationale for interventions.  Demonstrate professional accountability.  Use communication skills and teaching-learning principles.  Demonstrate increased skill levels

5  Clinical experiences in care of childbearing women  Antepartum  Labor and Delivery  Postpartum  Newborn Nursery  High risk Antepartum

6  All health/BLS documentation submitted and appropriate nursing orientation completed  Each instructor will provide contact information.  Patient assignments will be given on the morning of clinical in preconference  Must notify instructor in advance of lateness/absences and call (516) 323–3753  Hand in paperwork on time.  Held accountable for content application.  Master’s Skills Checklist

7  Patient will be assigned in the morning  This clinical enable you to build on your experience - anticipated experiences include:assessment, administering medications, providing labor support, assisting breastfeeding mothers, providing teaching, urinary catheterization

8 MothersInfants  Oxytocin (Pitocin)  Ducosate Sodium  Simethicone  Ferrous Sulfate  Magnesium Sulfate  Methylergonovine  Misopostol (Cytotec)  Carboprost (Hemabate)  Vitamin K injection  Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment  Hepatitis vaccine and immunoglobulin

9  Involves dynamic interaction between teacher and learner.  Establish trust and open communication.  Variety of ways and settings to teach.

10  Educational assessment  Learning needs, barriers  Idenify nursing diagnoses.  Prepare teaching plan  Implement teaching plan.  Evaluate client learning.

11  Set priorities.  Use appropriate timing.  Organize materials  Promote/maintain learner attention and participation.  Build on existing knowledge.

12  Discussion  Demonstration  Audio visual use  Teaching aids  Question/answer  Teaching aids

13  START with the most important information first– using specific language, NO Medical Jargon or initials….  STRUCTURE explanations into manageable chunks  USE a visual aid when appropriate to support patient learning

14  Ask your patient to PARAPHRASE what they just heard. This enables you to check for understanding of their treatment plan and pinpoint problem areas.  Return demonstration.

15  Send them away with information  Written/printed instructions  Visual aids  Resource list  Support groups

16 Dates and format for submission as per clinical instructor  Weekly Self-Evaluations*  Postpartum Assessment  Newborn Assessment  Labor and Delivery Experience  Antepartum Assessment  Teaching Plans/Care Plans  Critical Pathways  Care Maps  Teaching Plans/Care Plans Forms available in 201 or download from College Chat and Message Board scroll down to NUR359 – all sections

17  Students are evaluated after day 3 and at the end of the clinical rotation  Tool reflects level objectives and well as clinical objectives that show how student is performing in clinical

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