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The Age of Exploration Late 1400’s, 1500’s When one group suffers, another group prospers.

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Presentation on theme: "The Age of Exploration Late 1400’s, 1500’s When one group suffers, another group prospers."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Age of Exploration Late 1400’s, 1500’s When one group suffers, another group prospers.

2 2 You are leading a mission to Planet X, a newly discovered planet in our galaxy. Very little is know about this planet other than its existence. Why do you want to go explore Planet X? What are your goals for this mission?

3 Essential Questions 1. What were the causes and/or motivations for exploration? 2. How is exploration an example of cultural diffusion? 3. How did cultural diffusion through exploration impact societies?

4 What did Europe know?

5 Why start exploring? God –E–Europeans wanted to convert people to Christianity (spread the word) – Missionaries = those who travel to new areas to spread their religion

6 Gold –Spices, raw materials = $ –Eliminate the Italian & Muslim middlemen - Mining for silver and gold

7 77 Spain Portugal Italy Ottoman Empire India China

8 8

9 Glory –Renaissance -> spirit of inquiry –Honor to their name, desire to be the first country to claim Bragging Rights

10 10 Put it together: Create a cartoon that includes the three motivations for exploration in ONE unified picture. 10

11 11 Why now? Technological Advances –Created sturdier ships called caravels Triangular sails can sail against the wind Lateen sails (Romans) Square sails (Vikings, Chinese) –Navigation techniques Astrolabe (Muslims) Compass (Chinese) Why are these advances important for exploration?!

12 12 Create an Analogy The Caravel/Astrolabe/ Compass Exploration Reformation is to AS... Relationship: A technological change that enables the event Text

13 13 Space Exploration 9 1. Read the article titled “ The Real Reasons We Explore Space” with a partner. 2. Compare and Contrast the motives for European exploration with the motives for space exploration though a venn diagram or chart. 3. Answer the following questions in complete sentences –Do you agree with the author’s argument about the reasons for space exploration? Why or why not? –Do you think space exploration is more, less, or equally as important as the European age of exploration? Why or why not? –Based on what we learned about the motivations for exploration, the context for european exploration, and the innovations of the time, what do you think would have to change to spur a greater interest in America in space exploration? Why? How is this similar to European exploration? How can our study of exploration relate to modern day exploration?!

14 14 Explorers Portuguese Henry the Navigator - Funded exploration Vasco da Gama (1498) - India Pedro Cabral (1501) - Brazil Spain Christopher Columbus* (1492) - Caribbean Ferdinand Magellan* (1519)- Circumnavigated the globe Hernando Cortes (1519) - Mexico Francisco Pizarro (1532) - South America *non-Spanish – sailed for Spain

15 What did they find?

16 16 Match the following answers and questions A: Gold B. Vasco da Gama 1. This motive relates to European desire for new raw materials 2. He is a portuguese Prince who funded exploration 3. He is a Portuguese explorer that was the first to sail around the world for Spain 4. Missionaries were motivated by this reason for exploration 5. European countries wanted to be the first to explore new areas for bragging rights. 6. A technological innovation that allowed explorers to find where they are going 7. A Portuguese explorer who sailed to India and spurred interest in Indian spices C. Astrolabe D. Glory E. God F. Magellan G. Henry the Navigator

17 17 What was the impact of exploration? 1. Effects on Native Populations 2. European Empires Begin 3. Columbian Exchange 4. Commercial Revolution 17

18 18 Impact of Exploration Death by Disease Conquered Converted Enslaved 18 1. Effects on Native Populations

19 Effects on Native Populations: Disease –Native American populations dropped due to smallpox, measles, malaria and the flu- about 80%


21 21 Conquistadors = European explorers who conquered large populations in Central and South America –Cortes ( Aztecs in Mexico) –Pizarro (Incas in Peru) 19 Effects on Native Populations:Conquered

22 22 Cortes Pizarro

23 23 Effects on Native Populations: Conquered Why were these conquistadors able to conquer such large populations? –Cortes Resembled Aztec god Made allies of native Aztec enemies Had guns and artillery Diseases 23

24 24 Effects on Native Populations: Conquered –Pizarro Kidnapped ruler Atahulpa and killed him after receiving ransom

25 25 Effects on Native Populations: Converted Native populations were forced to convert to Christianity by missionaries Leads to loss of cultural heritage 25

26 26 Effects on Native Populations: Enslavement Native populations enslaved under the Encomienda System –Native populations enslaved and forced to farm or ranch or mine for European landowners –In Central and South America –Named for large farms/ranches called Encomiendas 26

27 27 Connecting History Machiavelli wrote The Prince in 1513 where he pens the famous phrase “the end justifies the means” after Columbus’ voyages beginning in 1492. Based on the Columbus point/counterpoint article answer the following questions 1. Do you think Machiavelli would have agreed with Columbus’ actions? Why or why not? 2. Do you think the interactions between explorers and natives had to happen the way it did or could this interaction have been different in history? Why or why not? * Hint: think about where each group’s mindset and the time period 3. Do you think exploration was a good thing? Why or why not?

28 Impact of Exploration 2. Beginning of Empire building - European countries claimed territories in new world

29 3. Columbian Exchange –Exchange of plants, animals, people, disease and ideas between the Eastern and Western Hemisphere after 1492 –What are some items that are exchanged?

30 30 Impact of Exploration 4. Commercial Revolution –Joint Stock Companies Many investors together funded exploration –Mercantilism Wealth = power Increase wealth in two ways –1. More gold and silver –2. Favorable balance of trade (sell more than you buy) 30

31 Mercantilism continued.. –A country must be self-sufficient –A colony exists for the parent country to provide either gold, silver, raw materials

32 32 Mercantilism 32

33 33 The Pros and Cons Identify the pros and cons of exploration. Create a T chart to show this information. You need to have at least 3 pros and cons 33 ProsCons

34 34 What about Non-European Exploration?! China –Ming Dynasty –Great Ming Naval Expeditions 35

35 Chinese Exploration ( 1405-1433) Zheng He sailed from the Indian Ocean as far as Africa 300 ship fleets Demonstrated Ming China’s power After Zheng He, China stopped funding explorers and turned to isolationism - Why? 36

36 Why become isolated? –Voyages were expensive –European traders brought new goods and ideas –Christian missionaries Why would this cause isolation? –Potential loss of tradition

37 Results of Chinese Isolation –Smugglers still brought in products –Failed to keep up with European advances


39 39 Japan and Exploration Portuguese sailors arrive in Japan in 1543 for first time –brought new goods (eyeglasses, firearms, tobacco) –1549 - Christian Missionaries began arriving --> Jesuits 1639 - “Closed Country Policy” –Attempt to protect Japan from European ideas/Christianity –Only one port opened - Nagasaki –Rest remained closed for 200 years 39

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