Economics and Politics Chapter 11. Social Institution a arrangement among people that has emerged over time to coordinate human interaction and behavior.

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1 Economics and Politics Chapter 11

2 Social Institution a arrangement among people that has emerged over time to coordinate human interaction and behavior in ways that meet some social need.

3 Economic system Agricultural Revolutions  Domestication Industrial Revolution  Mechanization  Colonization Information Revolution

4 Economic Systems Capitalism  Private ownership  Free of government interference  Profit and consumer driven  Fordism ( 福特主義) Tylorism (泰勒主義) Socialism  Public ownership World System Theory  Iraq  台商

5 Conglomerate Monopoly ( 壟斷,獨佔) Oligopoly Primary sector Secondary sector Tertiary Sector

6 Political Systems Political system Power Authority ( 權威)  traditional, charismatic, legal-rational Forms of Government  Democracy (representative)  Totalitarianism (極權主義)  Authoritarianism (威權主義)  Theocracy (神權政體)

7 Power-Sharing Models Power-Elite Pluralist Model Empire Imperialistic Power Hegemony Militaristic Power

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