Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service.

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1 Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service

2 Today is Friday, September 25 Day 2

3 On Saturday, September 26 from 7:30-8:30pm, WPXI will broadcast a special on Pope Francis' historic visits to both Washington, DC and Philadelphia. Oakland Catholic High School is one of the sponsors of this television special, and a commercial for the school will air four times during the broadcast. We urge you to share in the Pope's visit to the U.S. by watching this special, or recording it for later viewing.. If you aren't already following us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, now would be a good time to join in on the fun! #OCPopeVisit2015

4 The students and adults are on their way to Philadelphia to welcome Pope Francis! Please keep all of the pilgrims in your prayers!

5 Today is Eucharistic Adoration for the Sophomores. All are welcome to come and pray in the presence of Our Lord any time throughout the day.

6 Congratulations, Jessica! Freshman Jessica Meyers shot 87 to finish 7th out of 29 players and make it to golf sectionals on October 6th And was 1 of 8 girls to qualify for sectionals! Good Luck!

7 Would you like to see how your teachers spent their summer vacations? Come to Teachers' Travel Tales on October 6, from 6:30 to 8:30. This event is open to the public and details on registration will be available next week. Mark your calendars!


9 The first Girls Who Code meeting will be on Monday after school from 2:45 until 4:30 in room J101. Check with Ms Blackmond for the code to join the Girls Who Code edmodo group for updates.

10 Final Try-outs for Forensics will be help this Thursday and Friday after school in room J303. If you cannot make either of these dates and have not had a chance to audition, please see Mrs. Rinkacs or Mr. MacDonald as soon as possible.

11 College Visits

12 Freshmen interested in joining the Model UN Club should attend a meeting immediately after school on Monday in room J303. Please see Mrs. Rinkacs if you have any questions.

13 Today’s Feature TURKEY & CHEESE $2.50 PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY $1.50

14 Today’s Feature CHICKEN PATTY $2.50 BAKED SWEET POTATOES $2.00


16 Today’s Feature PLAIN $1.50 PEPPERONI $2.00 SPECIALTY $2.00


18 Any student interested in joining FBLA, please come to the meeting to get more information. We will be discussing membership requirements, and Region and State competition If you can’t make the meeting but are interested, email Mrs. Maxwell at kmaxwell@oaklandcatholic.org

19 Attention Ping Pong Players! The CCHS ping pong club has started. We will be playing Tuesday and Thurs of this week in the Central Gym.. Novice Players are welcome!

20 Athletic Events Friday, September 25 th The Tennis team plays West Mifflin Saturday, September 26 th Volleyball has a tournament at Moon The Cross Country team travels to Hershey Go Eagles! Friday, September 25 th The Tennis team plays West Mifflin Saturday, September 26 th Volleyball has a tournament at Moon The Cross Country team travels to Hershey Go Eagles!

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