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Regional Policy 8 th meeting of the Expert Group on DA for ETC Eligibility Rules 10 June 2013 DG Regional and Urban Policy European Territorial Co-operation.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Policy 8 th meeting of the Expert Group on DA for ETC Eligibility Rules 10 June 2013 DG Regional and Urban Policy European Territorial Co-operation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Policy 8 th meeting of the Expert Group on DA for ETC Eligibility Rules 10 June 2013 DG Regional and Urban Policy European Territorial Co-operation units

2 Regional Policy Legal Framework European Territorial Cooperation Regulation Article 17(1): General rules on eligibility of expenditure Article 18: Staff costs Common Provisions Regulation Article 57: Forms of grants and repayable assistance Article 58: Flat rate financing for indirect costs and staff costs for grants and repayable assistance Article 59: Specific eligibility rules for grants and repayable assistance

3 Regional Policy Objective of Fiche No 11 This fiche aims at providing information on eligibility of expenditure regarding European Territorial Co-operation which is not foreseen in CPR

4 Regional Policy General rules on eligibility of expenditure for cooperation programmes content Section I: Staff costs Section II: Office and administrative expenditure (indirect costs) Section III: travel and accommodation costs Section IV: External expertise and service costs Section V: Equipment expenditure

5 Regional Policy What else… Commission welcomes MS suggestions for simplification, harmonisation and clarifications if aligned with legal framework; Ad hoc fact sheets could be an alternative to more detailed information; If not common to all ETC programmes, Monitoring Committees to establish additional eligibility rules.

6 Regional Policy For more information InfoRegio: RegioNetwork:

7 Regional Policy Written comments can be sent until 24 June to: REGIO-DELEGATED-AND-IMPLEMENTING-

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