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Jan 7 and 8 I can use before, during, and after reading strategies. I can explain how characters function as archetypes. I can analyze a text according.

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Presentation on theme: "Jan 7 and 8 I can use before, during, and after reading strategies. I can explain how characters function as archetypes. I can analyze a text according."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jan 7 and 8 I can use before, during, and after reading strategies. I can explain how characters function as archetypes. I can analyze a text according to the Hero’s Journey.

2 ACT Bell Ringer l l Complete questions 5-9

3 Think back to last class period and the story we read…The Man in the Water. When thinking about Rosenblatt’s essay, who is the hero? What heroic characteristics does he/she possess? Discuss what you would have done had you been a passenger on the plane that crashed into the Potomac that tragic day.

4 Listen carefully to the additional information that Rosenblatt provides on the video clip. Write down the references to nature and to the human character. What does Rosenblatt conclude about human nature? Do you agree or disagree with his conclusion?

5 Literature roles (jobs) from last class will meet as a group. First you will share your work with your fellow literary masters. Then select from your master work the piece that best represents the task you were assigned. (Example: Choose the summary that best summarizes the piece, the words that best evoke emotion, etc.) Select a spokesperson from the group to share with the class.

6 Formative Assessment: Write a letter to the family of the man in the water as one of the survivors of the crash. Be sure to include the following: Details about the incident How you were feeling at the moment of the tragedy How you feel about the man in the water and your thoughts about what he did

7 Acrostic Using the term HERO, create an acrostic. Example: Heroes are strong, brave, and honest. Everyone loves a true hero; for they put others before themselves. Rarely do they do what they do for the publicity. Optimism is the key to their success. H… E… R… O…

8 You need to take notes!!!! Introduction to the archetypal hero’s journey. Take notes.

9 The Hero’s Journey

10 Introduction: A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger that oneself -Joseph Campbell Joseph Campbell created The Hero’s Journey by conducting research on hero’s and myths. He found in almost every Hero or myth there was a pattern.

11 The Ordinary World

12 Act 1: Separation The Ordinary World: Hero’s live in the same world as humans. Humans think that hero’s are weird, because they do things differently.

13 The Call to adventure

14 Act 1: Separation The Call to Adventure Something happens to the hero A discovery: Magic object An event: Someone needs help Danger: An attack The hero’s instincts kick in. Sometimes a hero does not know he/she is a hero until something happens. During the call to adventure, it usually happens when the hero is unaware of what is happening.

15 Act 1: Separation The Call to Adventure: Spiderman: Spidey Sense In the Wizard of Oz: The Tornado taking Dorothy away.

16 Entering the Unknown

17 Act 1: Separation Entering the Unknown The hero enters a world they have never been to before. In this unknown world: Supernatural creatures Cantour, minotaur, munchkins, flying monkeys, talking animals, Breathtaking sights Huge flowers, golden roads The constant threat of death Something/someone is always watching.

18 Act 1: Separation Entering the Unknown Learning the rules: The hero must learn the rules of this unknown world. If the hero does not follow the rules their strength, endurance, and courage will be tested. When they follow the new rules they will become a better hero and survive in the unknown world. oRCtbn7JYhY22/the_wizard_of_oz_1939_advice_from_glinda /

19 Supernatural Aid/ Meeting with the Mentor

20 Act 1: Separation Supernatural Aid/ Meeting with the Mentor Supernatural does not mean to have a magical power Supernatural means “above the laws of nature” Laws of nature: the circle of life, gravity, Above the laws of nature: to live forever, to fly Not all hero’s have witches or wizard powers

21 Act 1: Separation Supernatural Aid/ Meeting with the Mentor: Hero always has someone who can guide them through mastering the laws of the unknown world. This person is usually a mentor They help the hero’s succeed and fulfill their quest The mentor’s help the hero's by either giving wisdom, or magical powers. It is always something that they need. Mentors: Cinderalla: The Fairy Godmother Wizard of Oz: Glenda the Good Witch

22 Act 1: Separation Supernatural aid/ Meeting with the Mentor Wizard of Oz: Glenda the Good Witch Who does she mentor? How does she mentor this hero?

23 Act 2: Initiation and Transformation

24 Allies/Helpers

25 Act 2: Initiation and Transformation Allies/ Helpers The hero needs helpers or a sidekick. Heroes would not be able to complete their task without receiving help from their sidekick. Who helps Dorothy see the Wizard of Oz?

26 Act 2: Initiation and Transformation Allies and Helpers

27 Act 2: Initiation and Transformation The Road of Trials: A series of test, tasks, or ordeals that the hero’s have to complete. These test are to make the hero’s stronger, prepare them for any situation. Heroes have to train and prepare in order to become a better hero. Can you think of the training a superhero has had to complete?

28 Act 2: Initiation and Transformation The Supreme Ordeal The Supreme Ordeal: The hero has completed all of the training and is ready to prove they can complete any quest given. The Hero needs to show that they can complete the quest.

29 Act 2: Initiation and Transformation The Supreme Ordeal

30 Act 3: The Return

31 The Magic Flight

32 Act 3: The Return The Magic Flight The hero can return home only if they Completed the supreme ordeal Have the reward The return home is not easy. The hero still has to go through obstacles to complete. The reward: In order for the hero to get the reward, he may have to fight or battle for the reward.

33 Act 3: The Return Confronting the Father The hero needs to confront the person who is controlling their life. This person may or may not have the ability to decide life or death of the hero This person does not have to be a male, it just has to have incredible power. Dorothy seeing the Wizard of Oz

34 Act 3: The Return Master of the Two Worlds/ Restoring the World: Once a hero has completed their quest, it becomes a life changing event for them. Victory causes the hero to preserve their original word. In their return- the hero brings something with them that will help them save their world. Dorothy returning home

35 Here is a visual representation of the hero’s journey


37 THE SWORD IN THE STONE Introduction to …

38 1. Write the words on your paper. 2. Put a star by the word or words you have never heard before. 3. Put a check mark beside the word or words you feel confident that you know. 4. Move to see if anyone knows the definition to the word you starred. 5. Look up the words you don’t know. 6. You will have 10 minutes. 7. Discuss ignoble confronted oath tumultuous realm coronation inscription wrath sovereign adversary champion obliged fidelity Diverted I can use before, during, and after reading strategies.

39 Vocabulary: Write the vocabulary word that properly fills in the blank. Vocabulary Words: Ignoble, confronted, oath, tumultuous, realm, coronation, inscription, wrath, sovereign, adversary, champion, obliged, fidelity, diverted 1.A knight is ______________ to act with honor. 2.A ____________ has power because the citizens accept him or her as ruler. 3.Sir Launcelot could not be ___________ from the fight. 4.A thief stealing my belongings may make me feel __________. 5.The knight showed ______________ to his king by faithfully fighting for the cause. 6.King Arthur was a _______________ for chivalry. 7.Sir Launcelot became an _______________ of King Arthur after his infidelity with Guinevere. 8.Everyone who lived in the evil King’s _____feared him. 9.The haughty countess ignored the _____commoners who worked in the kitchen. 10.The knights swore an _____of loyalty to one another. 11.A gala ball was held at the palace following the queen’s _____. 12.The boy bravely _____ his fear of the bucking horse and leapt onto its back. 13.The _____ on the base of the statue revealed the hero’s name and accomplishments. 14.The quiet stream became a _____ torrent after the rains. I can use before, during, and after reading strategies.

40 Vocabulary: Write the vocabulary word that properly fills in the blank. Vocabulary Words: Ignoble, confronted, oath, tumultuous, realm, coronation, inscription, wrath, sovereign, adversary, champion, obliged, fidelity, diverted 1.A knight is obliged to act with honor. 2.A sovereign has power because the citizens accept him or her as ruler. 3.Sir Launcelot could not be diverted from the fight. 4.A thief stealing my belongings may make me feel wrath. 5.The knight showed fidelity to his king by faithfully fighting for the cause. 6.King Arthur was a champion for chivalry. 7.Sir Launcelot became an adversary of King Arthur after his infidelity with Guinevere. 8.Everyone who lived in the evil King’s realm feared him. 9.The haughty countess ignored the ignoble commoners who worked in the kitchen. 10.The knights swore an oath of loyalty to one another. 11.A gala ball was held at the palace following the queen’s coronation. 12.The boy bravely confronted his fear of the bucking horse and leapt onto its back. 13.The inscription on the base of the statue revealed the hero’s name and accomplishments. 14.The quiet stream became a tumultuous torrent after the rains.

41 Arthurian Legends Arthurian Legend: A legend is a story about extraordinary deeds that has been told and retold for generations among a group of people. Legends, which are often about a particular person, are thought to have a historical basis but may also contain some elements of magic and myth. I can explain how characters function as archetypes.

42 The King Arthur legends are probably based on a fifth-or sixth-century Celtic chieftain, or warlord, who lived in Wales and led his people to victory against Saxon invaders from northern Germany. The chieftain was said to have been fatally wounded in battle and buried in the abbey of Glastonbury, where a gravestone can still be seen bearing his name. Arthurian legend as we know it today emerged gradually over centuries as storytellers told and retold popular tales about a great chief who mysteriously disappeared but promised to return when his people needed him. When Sir Thomas Malory wrote Le Morte d’Arthur, toward the end of the fifteenth century, the days of knights were over. Nonetheless, something in Malory’s portrayal of those days seems to have answered a longing in his audience for the more orderly time of knights and lords and castles-a time when “might fought for right.” I can explain how characters function as archetypes.

43 “The Sword in the Stone” pages 755-757 Task One: Read “The Sword in the Stone” and answer questions 1, 2, 3, and 4 on page 759. I can explain how characters function as archetypes.

44 “The Sword in the Stone” Discuss Questions I can explain how characters function as archetypes. I can analyze a text according to the Hero’s Journey.

45 The Sword and the Stone Vocabulary Enrichment

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