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By: Ramin Moshtael FINAL PROJECT Presentation Role of Technology and computer based testing in BBS Middle School Classrooms in Kuwait.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ramin Moshtael FINAL PROJECT Presentation Role of Technology and computer based testing in BBS Middle School Classrooms in Kuwait."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ramin Moshtael FINAL PROJECT Presentation Role of Technology and computer based testing in BBS Middle School Classrooms in Kuwait

2 Project Team Project Leader – Ramin Moshtael IT Director - Firas Al-Zaidi IT Director - Firas Al-Zaidi Superintendent – Dr. Brian McCaully Superintendent – Dr. Brian McCaully Finance Manager – John Dora Finance Manager – John Dora Divisional Department Heads Divisional Department Heads PTA Representative – Laila Jennings PTA Representative – Laila Jennings

3 VISION / MISSION We believe that technology is a vital tool for learning that expands our instructional repertoire and is the channel that could maximize the capacity of all teachers and students. It is the vision of Al-Bayan Bilingual School (BBS) Middle School division that students be engaged in a stimulating academic environment and a challenging curriculum that is student- centered and focused on inquiry and technology based learning and assessment. We believe the basic goal of education has not changed, that is to prepare our students for life-long learning and success in a changing world. However, the tools and instructional methods to achieve these goals have advanced dramatically. Technologies such as computers, networks, and internet offer tremendous opportunities to students and educators as a way to enrich life within our community and provides a link to a world outside of BBS

4 Schools and Technology The most important requisite for an effective school is to provide students with the most relevant and useful information that can be used throughout the student’s life time. Historically we have been using traditional paper based assessments for testing and gauging academic progress and success of students. Does your classroom look like this?

5 Why Technology is Important? With the constant improvement in technology and increase in human capacity, the integration of technology in education, especially in the area of assessment become even more crucial in this age.

6 A more comprehensive assessment will lead to better customization of programs or IEP’s for students. A more comprehensive assessment will lead to better customization of programs or IEP’s for students. Less Interruptions in Teaching Greater student Participation Less stressful learning experience Various modes of pertinent information about the students and multidimensional teaching

7 Currently Al-Bayan Bilingual School (BBS) is a N-12 coeducational school providing quality bilingual education within the State of Kuwait. The school population stands at approximately 1800. This project will be implemented across the middle school division as a pilot program. There are approximately 600 students enrolled in middle school grades 5-8 currently. DEMOGRAPHICS DEMOGRAPHICS

8 Why use Computerized Assessment ? It provides a comprehensive overall It provides a comprehensive overall assessment of the student assessment of the student It is multi-dimensional It is multi-dimensional Less stressful and provides more relevant information Less stressful and provides more relevant information It allows the students to become more engaged and participative in the lessons It allows the students to become more engaged and participative in the lessons

9 TOP 3 SOFTWARE Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests (GMRT) Fourth Edition by Riverside Publishing The Reading Analysis and Prescription System – Professional ( RAPS) offered by MindPlay Diagnostic Online Math Assessment (DOMA) Basic Math Skills by Let’s Go Learn Company

10 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES TO BE ACCOMPLISHED Our goal and objective by the end of this project next year would be: To provide universal access to information To provide teachers with a comprehensive overall assessment of each student To devise individual plans to better meet the curricular needs of all students To refine critical thinking skills and foster creativity

11 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES TO BE ACCOMPLISHED To provide a medium for expression and communication To collect, assess, and share performance information Becoming proficient in reading, writing, mathematics, and critical thinking successfully attaining the skills and proficiencies required to advance to next level. Provide ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the program to ensure success of the program


13 CONCLUSION  In this age Technology is the key that will open the doors of success in the future for our students and staff now Student and staff development can not be done without the aid and infusion of technology.


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