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o Written by the Apostle Paul from prison in Rome to the believers in the city of Colosse (in present day Turkey). o There was confusion among the believers.

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3 o Written by the Apostle Paul from prison in Rome to the believers in the city of Colosse (in present day Turkey). o There was confusion among the believers due to false teaching and the influences of their past religions. o Paul wrote to encourage them and remind them that they had been RESET.

4 o Colossians 3:1-4 o Paul reminds them of the RESET in their lives through Jesus, and encourages them to live the new life. o Paul uses strong words that illustrate life, death, and resurrection to signify the truth of how salvation gives us a RESET. o “…you have been raised with Christ…” o “…you died, and your life is now hidden in Christ…”

5 o Galatians 2:20 o “I have been crucified with Christ…” o Romans 6:3-4 o “We were therefore buried with Him…we too may live a new life.” o When we are RESET through Jesus, a complete transformation happens in our life.

6 o In order to understand the incredible change that occurs, we must understand who we truly are. o Genesis 1:26-27; 31 o “So God created man in His own image…and it was very good.” o Psalm 139:13-14 o “…I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful…”

7 o But don’t buy into the view that man is “basically good.” o Genesis 6:5-6 o “…every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time…” o Romans 5:12 (also Romans 3:23; 6:23) o “…death came to all men, because all sinned…”


9 o Only God provides a way out of this sin that leads to death. o Romans 5:8 o “God demonstrates His own love for us…” o Ephesians 2:4-9 o “God…made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions…For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith…” o 2 Corinthians 5:17 o “…the old has gone, the new has come!”


11 o Colossians 3:1-4 o Paul reminds them of the change in their lives by salvation, and encourages them to live the RESET life. o “…set your HEARTS on things above…” o “Set your MINDS on things above…”

12 “…set your HEARTS on things above…” o HEART refers to the central part of our life and being; it’s the source of our physical AND spiritual AND emotional life. o The priorities of our heart become the priorities of our life. o Matthew 6:21 o “For where your treasure is, there your HEART will be also.”

13 “Set your MINDS on things above…” o MIND refers to the object of your thoughts, or something you focus on regularly. o The priorities of our mind lead to action. o “You can do anything you set your mind on.” o Romans 8:5 o “Those who live according to the flesh have their MINDS set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their MINDS set on what the Spirit desires.”

14 o Matthew 22:37-39 o “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’…‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” o “Only two things will last forever: the Word of God and people.” – Pastor Eric Paul

15 o As believers, we must understand our life is RESET through Jesus, and we should prioritize it the way He shows us and calls us to. o We must leave behind the old life, focused on earthly things and leading to death, and live the RESET life, focused on “things above.”


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