Environmental Pedology Field Assignment Spring 2010 Kamaljit Banger GCREC Wimauma GCREC Wimauma, Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Pedology Field Assignment Spring 2010 Kamaljit Banger GCREC Wimauma GCREC Wimauma, Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Pedology Field Assignment Spring 2010 Kamaljit Banger GCREC Wimauma GCREC Wimauma, Florida

2 GCREC Wimauma  GCREC is located in Hillsborough County.  Agricultural crops include tomato, strawberries, and peppers  Mean annual temperature:21- 25 0 C  Mean annual precipitation: 121-142 cm

3 Site Locations A B

4 Site A Nearby Row crops Pasture/Sod Vegetation: Bahia grass (Paspalum notatum) Bermuda grass (Cynodon spp.)  Upland  Slope : 0-2% Close to the road

5 Soil A from Web Soil Survey

6 Soil A  Ap: 0 to 7 inches, 7.5 YR 5/1, sand, single grained, very friable  B:7 to 20 inches, 10 YR 3/1, fine sand, single grained, friable E: 21 to 48 inches, 10 YR 8/6, sand, single grained, very friable Ap B E

7 Interpretations Soil Properties Infiltration rate: high Hydraulic conductivity: high Available water content: very low Seasonal water table depth: 50-100 cm Limitations: 2:3:1 Site Characteristics Position : Upland Soil slope: level Surface runoff: very slow Erosion potential: low Epipedon: Ochric Sub-surface: Spodic Order: Spodosols

8 Soil B  Pasture/Sod  Close to the wetlands  Position of the site: Upland  Slope: 2-6%

9 Soil B from Web Soil Survey

10 Soil B Ap Bh Bw E Ap: 0 to 8 inches, 10 YR 4/1, sand, single grained, very friable, high root biomass Bh: 9 to 14 inches, 10 YR 3/3, fine sand, single grained, friable Bw: 15 to 22 inches, 10 YR 6/5, fine sand, sub-angular blocky, E: 23 to 48 inches, 10YR 8/3, sand, single grained, very friable

11 Interpretations Soil Properties Infiltration rate: high Hydraulic conductivity: high Available water content: low Seasonal water table depth:50-100 cm Limitations: 3:3:2 Site Characteristics Position: Upland Soil slope: 2-6% Surface runoff: slow Erosion potential: low Epipedon: Ochric Sub-surface: Spodic Order: Spodosols

12 Thank you!

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