Mads Bo-Kristensen, ph.d. Ressource Centre for Integration Vejle, Denmark

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Presentation on theme: "Mads Bo-Kristensen, ph.d. Ressource Centre for Integration Vejle, Denmark"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mads Bo-Kristensen, ph.d. Ressource Centre for Integration Vejle, Denmark

2 National context Immigrant flow 16.000 migrants in 2008 (increase by 18% from 2007) Mostly from: –Poland & Germany (to work) –Ukraine, China & USA (to study) Majority of migrants come to work Over 30.000 work permits issued (17% increase from 2007) Mostly from EU countries: Poland, Germany, Romania, Lithuania; Non EU country: India

3 National context Family Reunification –Ca. 6.000 persons - 2008, same as 2003 figures Thailand, Turkey, Philippines 2.389 refugees (decreased by 52% since 2003) –From: Iraq, Russia (Chechniya), Iran, Afghanistan

4 National context Regulation and requirements concerning language proficiency Different rules for specific categories: –Nationals from Scandinavia –Migrants who wish to work or study –EU/EEC nationals –Migrants with close family ties in DK (family reunification) –Refugees/Asylum Seekers To obtain working permit: –Nationals from Scandinavia – no work permit needed –EU/EEC nationals – after EU rules on free movement –Third country nationals – after DKs Law on Migration –Special rules, easier access to labor market for professionals, e.g. Pay Limit Scheme, Positive List Scheme, Green Card scheme, Corporate Scheme)

5 National Context The Integration Act of 1995 –provides for free teaching of Danish as a Second Language, Danish culture, and labour market culture for all migrants and refugees. –37 hours per week, up to 3 years. –Responsibility of the Municipality. Offer guidance and skills improvement schemes, job internships, employment with government subsidy; and mentoring Condition for extension of stay and Permanent Stay & Work permit: –Should have completed the Danish education (lang. & culture) –Should have passed Danish Lang. Test either Danskuddannelse 2 or Danskuddannelse 3

6 Background and development of 2004 – 2007 Language schools, Business Colleges, Adult Education Centres, universities. e-learning materials e-learning rooms e-learning courses Local subdomains

7 Use of ICT Approach, design and procedure Educational design –View of language –View of language learning Interface design –ICT design –Graphic design

8 Problems and solutions IT vs. pedagogy Development processes Dissemination and use

9 Results 2009 Dissemination The European Language Label Award (dsa- com Project in 2004; Our Common Language, 2008) Educational innovations Feedback from students and teachers Inspiration to future projects Perspectives –Educational –Technological (e.g. mobile platform and Web 2.0)

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