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ENGL 1101 A LIBRARY SKILLS PRACTICE SEPT. 22 - SEMINAR Chapter 5 pp. 67-73 (Choosing a topic & preparing for research) pp. 73-82 (Research resources &

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1 ENGL 1101 A LIBRARY SKILLS PRACTICE SEPT. 22 - SEMINAR Chapter 5 pp. 67-73 (Choosing a topic & preparing for research) pp. 73-82 (Research resources & using credible sources) pp. 89-102 (Major documentation styles)

2 Today’s Agenda:  Finish up search phrase group work assignment; discuss results  Return and discuss Assignment # 1.  Class work on citations and references.  Review of concepts from your readings (Chapters 1, 5 and 8)  Complete in-class Assignment # 2. Reminder for next week:  You will be handed a Homework sheet that you need to complete by Monday, October 6 (5%). This Homework assignment contains 4 pages. You need to choose a topic for your paper and find three peer reviewed sources suitable for your topic.

3 Group Work In groups of two or three:  Open your books to p. 187.  Read the title of this paper and discuss it in your groups. Are there any terms you are not familiar with?  Read and discuss the Abstract (5 minutes). Answer the following questions:  Did you understand what the paper is about?  Explain in your own words what an abstract is.  Name at least one difference between a summary and an abstract.

4 Group Work  Focus on paragraph # 2 on p. 187. Look at the first set of citations “(Beardsworth & Keil, 1992;…)” and compare that to the next list of citations “(Boek et al., 2004, p. 266; …)”. Why are page numbers included in the second set of citations?  On the same page: Read the last sentence of the first paragraph. I could argue that these terms are part of common knowledge and many of us know how to define these concepts. Why did the authors include citations here?

5 Group Work  Go to p. 188. Read paragraph # 5. Focus on the two sentences, starting with “Health vegetarians emphasized…”, and ending with “… to prevent cruelty to animals”. There is no in-text citation. Explain why.  Focus on pp. 189-190. Count how many citations are included in the Design and Setting (as one unit) and Data Collection and Data analysis (as a single unit) sections. Explain your answer.

6 Group Work  Slowly, leaf through the paper (pp. 187-198). Answer these questions: Is this a peer-reviewed publication? How do you know? Would you use this article if you were a third year student and were asked to write a research paper on the effects of human dietary practices on the health of the environment? Would a first year biology student find this reference useful, should she/he need to write a 5 page essay on the health benefits of a vegetarian diet?  Focus on p. 188, paragraph #5, citation: “(Fox and Ward, submitted for publication)”. Is this a valid reference? Can you find it in the Reference section? Is this a primary source or a secondary source? Explain your answer.

7 Group Work  Assume you wish to write a research paper on the applications of internet interviewing methods. You want to find published references to support of the following statements (hint: focus on page 189, second column): - Internet interviewing is more cost effective than traditional interview methods - Internet interviewing allows for researching issues that are more sensitive and that cannot be easily explored through traditional interviewing methods - Can you find sources to support these statements?  Turn to p. 253. Look through the citations and the Reference section of this paper (pp. 253-263). What differences did you notice between the two papers? Explain your answer.

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