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Intent Android Club 2015. Agenda Intent class Explicit activation Implicit activation.

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Presentation on theme: "Intent Android Club 2015. Agenda Intent class Explicit activation Implicit activation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intent Android Club 2015

2 Agenda Intent class Explicit activation Implicit activation

3 2 purposes Operation to be performed (Send email) Event notification (Telegram message came)

4 I want to... Select contact Take photo Display map

5 Intent opens... Activity which can do that operation

6 Intent fields Action – desired operation Data – data associated with intent Category – additional information Type – show mime type Component – exact activity to open Extras – key-value pair Flags – flag about how intent handled


8 Action: example Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_DIAL); startActivity(intent);

9 Data Data associated with intent URI(geo, tel, http)

10 Data: example Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setData(Uri.parse("geo:0.0,0.0")); startActivity(intent);

11 Data: practice Create application which opens Tashkent in Google Maps Latitude: 41.2667 Longitude: 69.2167

12 Data: example 2 Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_DIAL); Intent.setData(Uri.parse(“tel:+9989037351 73”); startActivity(intent);

13 Data: practice 2 Create application which dials your best friends number

14 Data: example 3 Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setData(Uri.parse(" m")); startActivity(intent);

15 Data: practice 3 Create application which opens Facebook website

16 Category Additional information about Intent CATEGORY_BROWSABLE CATEGORY_LAUNCHER

17 Type Specifies MIME type of Intent image/png, image/jpg text/html, text/html setType() emailIntent.setType("text/html");

18 Type: example final Intent emailIntent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEN D); emailIntent.setType("text/html"); emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent. EXTRA_SUBJECT, subject); startActivity(intent);

19 Component Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, ActivityB.class); startActivity(intent);

20 Component: practice Create ActivityA Create ActivityB Put button on ActivityA which opens ActivityB

21 Extra Key-value pair Intent intent = new Intent(A.this, B.class); intent.putExtra(“parol”,”1234”); startActivity(intent);

22 Extra: practice Create ActivityA Create ActivityB Put button which sends “secret information” to ActivityB Secret information: We are members of Android Club Show secret information in ActivityB


24 Flags: example Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, ActivityB.class); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CL EAR_TASK|Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW _TASK); startActivity(intent);

25 Flags: practice Create ActivityA Create ActivityB Create ActivityC Put button on A which opens B Put button on B which opens C and close A and C

26 Activation Explicit (Явный) Implicit (Неявный)

27 Implicit activation A) Calling activity B) IntentFilter

28 Intent resolution ACTION DATA CATEGORY

29 Homework 1: extra Create ActivityA Create ActivityB Put 2 EditTexts: username and password Pass username and password to ActivityB Show them in TextViews

30 Homework2: flag Create ActivityA Create ActivityB Open ActivityB without animation

31 Homework3: implicit activation Create ActivityA From ActivityA, startActivity with ACTION_DIAL intent Create ActivityB Define for ActivityB

32 Homework4: implicit activation Create ActivityA From ActivityA, startActivity with EMAIL_APP(category) intent Create ActivityB Define for ActivityB

33 Homework: Action+Data: Try to put ACTION_CALL instead of ACTION_DIAL Tell me what is difference? Do not forget to add android.permission.CALL_PHONE

34 Questions? Any questions?

35 Thank you Thank you for your attention!

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