Scientific Inquiry Millionaire Game. True or False #1. A corn farmer, Farmer Bill, is trying to find out the best amount of water to give his crops every.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Inquiry Millionaire Game. True or False #1. A corn farmer, Farmer Bill, is trying to find out the best amount of water to give his crops every."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Inquiry Millionaire Game

2 True or False #1. A corn farmer, Farmer Bill, is trying to find out the best amount of water to give his crops every week. He decides to water different fields different amounts of water and then compare the amount of corn that he is able to harvest from each field. The amount of water Farmer Bill uses is considered the control in his experiment.

3 Answer #1: False: The amount of water Farmer Bill uses is considered the variable in his experiment.

4 #2. The fact that Farmer Bill above used several different fields made this a good experiment, because he was able to have more data

5 Answer #2. False: The fact that Farmer Bill above used several different fields made this a a bad experiment, because he had more than one experimental variable.

6 #3. Sam wanted to see what soap was best at cleaning grass stains off of his football jersey, he thought that Cheer would work best because it cost so much. The fact that he thought Cheer would work best was his hypothesis.

7 #3. True: A Hypothesis is a scientists educated guess of the answer to an experimental problem.

8 True or False #4. If you measure temperature in a scientific experiment, you should use degrees Fahrenheit.

9 Answer #4. False: If you measure temperature in a scientific experiment, you should use degrees Celsius or Kelvin

10 #5. An orderly, systematic approach to solving a problem is called the scientific inquiry.

11 #5. True! The scientific Inquiry is a set of steps scientists use to solve problems.

12 True or False #6. When a theory is accepted as true, scientists may then call it a Law.

13 Answer #6. True: When a theory is accepted as true, scientists may then call it a Law.

14 #7. The Newton Scale is the standard system of measurement used by scientists all around the world.

15 #7. False: The Metric System is the standard system of measurement used by scientists all around the world.

16 #8. A theory can be considered an absolute truth and should not be modified.

17 Answer #8. False: A theory can and should be changed when new information is found that disproves the old Theory.

18 True or False #9. If experiments do not support the hypothesis it means that the hypothesis is always a bad one.

19 Answer #9. False: If experiments do not support the hypothesis it doesn’t always means that the hypothesis is always a bad one.

20 #10. The scientific inquiry method usually follows the following order: -----Experimental question, hypothesis, experimentation, data analysis, conclusions

21 Answer #10. True: The scientific Inquiry method usually follows the following order: -----Experimental question, hypothesis, experimentation, data analysis, conclusions

22 #11. “Clear-cutting trees from a watershed will result in drier soils." is an example of an Experimental question

23 #11. False: Clear-cutting trees from a watershed will result in drier soils." is an example of an Hypothesis.

24 #12. Elena kept track of the kinds of flowers that were visited by hummingbirds for two weeks. This is an example of a scientist collecting data.

25 #12. True: Information gathered in an experiment is called data.

26 #13. After collecting data for two weeks on the eating habits of turtles, Jim decided they liked the lettuce better. This is an example of Jim forming a Theory on turtle eating habits.

27 #13. False: Jim is only forming a conclusion based on his own experiment. Many experiments conducted by many scientists are needed to form a theory.

28  The ____________ is the solution to the problem you are trying to solve, it should be based on data gathered in your experiment. A) controlB) assumption C) predictionD) conclusion

29 D) conclusion

30 #15. Knowledge in Science changes and is based on new and more up to date information.

31 #15. True: Knowledge in Science changes and is based on new and more up to date information.

32  The part of an experiment that does not contain a variable, such as a placebo a medical experiment, is called an experimental _____________.  A) control  B) assumption  C) prediction  D) hypothesis

33  A) control

34  Sam wants to find out which brand of batteries last the longest. He buys three different brands and tests one in his stereo, one in his flashlight, and one in his walkman. Then he compares the time that each battery lasted. The brand of battery used in the experiment was Sam’s experimental _______.  A) variableB) control  C) hypothesisD) theory

35  A) variable

36  Recorded observations and measurements of an experiment are considered experimental __________. Example: the growth of a plant in centimeters. A) conclusionsB) predictions C) dataD) variables

37  C) data

38 #19. Noticing the sky is dark and hearing thunder in the distance are example of inferring.

39 #19. False: Noticing the sky is dark and hearing thunder in the distance are example of observation.

40 The _____________________ is the standard system of measurement used by scientists all around the world. A) English System B) Newton scale C) Metric System D) There is more than one system used

41  C) Metric System

42 True or False #21. In science one way to measure volume is with a graduated cylinder.

43 #21. True: In science one way to measure volume is with a graduated cylinder.

44 #22. 100 cm equals 1 kilometer

45 Answer #22. False 100 cm equals 1 meter or 0.001 Kilometers

46 True or False #23. Mass and weight have the same definition. Mass is simply use in Metrics and Weight is used in the English System.

47 Answer #23. False: Weight is a measure of the force of gravity on an object. Mass is the measurement of the amount of matter in an object.

48 #24. A pie or circle graph is used to compare change over time in data.

49 Answer #24. False: A pie or circle graph is used to compare percentages in data.

50 True or False #25. Scientists classify objects or organisms by comparing their common physical characteristics.

51 Answer #25. True: Scientists classify objects or organisms by comparing their common physical characteristics..

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