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Presentation on theme: "REGIONAL INNOVATION STRATEGY REGIONAL INNOVATION STRATEGY OF THE KOŠICE SELF-GOVERNING REGION doc. RNDr. Oto Hudec CSc., Technical University of Košice."— Presentation transcript:

1 REGIONAL INNOVATION STRATEGY REGIONAL INNOVATION STRATEGY OF THE KOŠICE SELF-GOVERNING REGION doc. RNDr. Oto Hudec CSc., Technical University of Košice Ing. Peter Džupka, PhD. Technical University of Košice, North Hungary and Košice Bilateral Regional Innovation Strategy Project

2 2 Innovation and Invention Invention – the result of discovery of a new process, idea or tool Innovation – the process of application of knowledge in the development of new products and services Ideas, thoughts,... often not realized, lost RIS - tool Creation of knowledge Transferring knowledge to the practice Meeting a demand

3 3 Regional Innovation Strategy - objectives Improvement of formal and informal cooperation among universities, research and development organizations, large companies, small and medium enterprises, intermediaries and support organisations and financial companies with the goal of improve the conditions of innovation in the region. Triple helix Academia Politicians Industry Universities Public Administration Industry Improvement of resources absorption ability of the regions in the area of European funds, that is expected to have influence on innovation performance in the region and on competitiveness.

4 4 Regional expenses on research and development in % from GDP – factor of peripheriality < 0.45 0.8 – 1.16 1.16 – 1.88 >= 1.88 0.45 – 0.8 No data

5 5 IRE: Innovating Regions in Europe: members 238member regions

6 6 Context of The Regional Innovation Strategy Operational Programme Competitiveness and Economic Growth National Strategic Reference Framework of SR for 2007 – 2013 Convergence Programme of the SR years 2005 – 2010 Programme of the Economic and Social Development of the region Development Plan Slovakia-East Košice Self-governing Region Slovakia Lisbon Strategy European Union

7 7 NORRIS Project

8 8 Methodology of RIS Standard methodology of RIS - European Commission in the beginning of the 90s. RIS projects are supported within the Framework Programs of the EÚ (at the present 6 th Framework Programme). NORRIS – cross-border element – two neighbouring regions 1.Cross-border Regional Innovation Strategy 2.Cross-border pilot projects and cluster initiatives

9 9 NORRIS features Bilateral character – Northern Hungary and Košice region Communication – between Hungarian and Slovak partners and within the frame of region Barrier of border, culture, language, historical development, economical structure, centralisation, dominant position of capital regions Dissemination of project results – involvement of the key regional representatives to the process Individual RIS and common RIS Cross-border cluster ?

10 10 Innovation demand and supply Survey of institutions on the supply side – scientific and research institutions, financial institutions, public institutions, advisory institutions, etc. Survey on the demand side – small and medium companies with a potential on innovation Identification of disharmony (gap) Suggestion for actions, pilot projects, creation of RIS

11 11 SMEs Questionnaire Survey Branches proposed in both regions in the way they will fulfil interests of each region and that they will find a common line of interests. Rules for sample selection: Proportion of the sector on the total employment Value of the location quotient of the branch Priorities of the region Assumption of innovation potential Representativeness in relation to the company size, territorial, etc. Common field of interest: „environment industry“ – existing research and development basis, demand for cooperation, priority of both regional strategies

12 12 Problems Response rate Similar problems SMEs SK- higher demand for innovation, but less patents HU- higher expectation of financing innovations by the state, structural funds National markets are dominating, despite the closeness of the foreign market

13 13 Priorities and Measures of the Regional Innovation Strategy of Košice Self-governing Region Priority 1 – IMPROVEMENT OF PUBLIC MANAGERIAL AND AUTHORISED CAPACITIES FOR INNOVATIVE AND KNOWLEDGE POLICY Measure 1.1. Reinforcing competencies and skills of the team of implementation entities of Regional Innovation Centres (RIC) Measure 1.2. Providing effective management of implementation of RIS Measure 1.3. Creation of supporting systems, methodologies and tools for implementation support Measure 1.4. Raising awareness on actual initiatives and reached innovative results into key industries and communication reinforcing with the institutions supporting innovative business and environment Measure 1.5. Promotion of R&D among young people and searching for talents

14 14 Priority 2 – CREATION OF FAVOURABLE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Measure 2.1 : Supporting the elaboration of standards and procedures for innovative financing of SMB Measure 2.2 : Supporting innovative financing Measure 2.3 : Supporting effective utilisation of SF in the area of innovations and knowledge at the regional level Measure 2.4 : Supporting the education system for the knowledge economy Measure 2.5 : Lifelong learning support in the area of innovations Measure 2.6 : Improvement of human resources quality in the area of IPR for RDI in the region Priorities and Measures of the Regional Innovation Strategy of Košice Self-governing Region

15 15 Priority 3 – EFFECTIVE DIFFUSION OF KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER TO THE COMPANIES Measure 3.1. Transfer of technologies and commercialisation of research and development results Measure 3.2. Development of effective innovative infrastructure and advisory services Priority 4 - INNOVATIVE POLES AND CLUSTERS Measure 4.1. Networking support, clustering and development of innovative poles by interconnecting of small and medium companies operating in major and perspective industries Measure 4.2. Interconnecting manufacturing and service companies and institutions Measure 4.3. Monitoring of innovative development trends in key and perspective industries of Košice Self-governing Region Priorities and Measures of the Regional Innovation Strategy of Košice Self-governing Region

16 16 Priority 5 – SUPPORTING THE CREATION AND GROWTH OF INNOVATIVE ENTERPRISES Measure 5.1. Consultancy Measure 5.2. Concept of regional cooperation with external firms via voucher system Measure 5.4. Providing consulting services in specific business areas Measure 5.5. Involving companies into international R&D programs Priority 6 – REINFORCING APPLIED RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF NEW PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Measure 6.1. Direct support of business activities in perspective areas Measure 6.2. Institutional protection of intellectual property Measure 6.4. Support of finding of partners oriented on commercialization of innovative products and services Measure 6.5. Cooperation of R&D on international level Priorities and Measures of the Regional Innovation Strategy of Košice Self-governing Region

17 17 Support from the budget of the Košice Self-governing Region and from regional resources Support from the State Budget of Slovak Republic Support from the Budget Category of Ministry of Economy of SR Support from the Budget Category of Ministry of Education of SR Support from the Budget Categories of other main State Administrative Bodies Support from EU funds Operating Programme Competitiveness and Economic Growth Operating Programme Research and Development JEREMIE Initiative JESSICA Initiative The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) 7 th Framework Programme of European Union for Research and Development eContentplus (2005-2008) EUREKA – A Network for Market Oriented R&D JASPERS (Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions) Innovation Relay Centre (IRC) Support from business resources How to finance RIS of Košice Self-governing Region

18 18 1. Proposal of Pilot Projects within the Košice Self-governing Region –TOR IT Valley cluster – pilot project –TOR Feasibility study to work out Cassovia HTP and RDP Technicom 2. Proposal of Pilot Projects for the realization of common RIS –TOR for the creation of Renewable Energy Resources Cluster –TOR for the creation of Regional Technology Centre of Renewable Energy Resources Strategic Proposals of Projects in the Area of Innovation, Science and Research in Košice Self-governing Region

19 19 Thank you for your attention Contact: North Hungary and Košice Bilateral Regional Innovation Strategy Project


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