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WELCOME PARENTS Carver Robotics Parent Meeting. STUDENT INFO SHEET Handed out in class Must be returned Required for participation in tournaments This.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME PARENTS Carver Robotics Parent Meeting. STUDENT INFO SHEET Handed out in class Must be returned Required for participation in tournaments This."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME PARENTS Carver Robotics Parent Meeting

2 STUDENT INFO SHEET Handed out in class Must be returned Required for participation in tournaments This is what I refer to in case of an emergency at a tournament


4 GRADING Assignments are graded as follows Bell Ringers/Notebook = 40% Group Presentations = 30% Tests/Tournament Attendance = 30% Semester exams make up10% of the semester grade

5 GRADING EXPLAINED Students are required to have a spiral notebook with a minimum of 150 pages (3 subject notebook preferred) This notebook is used in the classroom on a daily basis to complete the bellringers and take notes The notebook is collected on a regular basis and graded based on the information they have written down and the completion of bellringers Group presentations A few times each 9 weeks students will be asked to present their ideas as a group to me Tests/Tournament Attendance Students are required to attend and compete in at least one tournament each year Tests are given periodically and are always announced in advance

6 REMIND.COM & SKYWARD You and your student can sign up for text or email alert reminders from I use this system to notify you about events for the upcoming week Skyward is the online portal you can use to view your students grades and attendance Sign up in guidance Carver Middle School Website is updated regularly Check the Robotics page of the website for information about the class and events

7 LAB FEES Students will be charged a $100 lab fee for the year This helps cover the cost of tournament registrations, team registration, and parts for the robots Tournament registrations can vary between $50 to $150 per tournament Team registration is $100 Robot part cost examples: Each motor costs $25, each robot can use 6 motors 6 x $25 = $150 for motors each robot One set of Omni wheels is $20 *Even with lab fees, the Robotics Program needs the fundraising of the Carver Tournament in order to cover costs for the year

8 LAB FEE PAYMENTS There are two options to pay the lab fee 1) Payment due in full by September 25 th Or 2) Payment Plan as follows 1 st payment of $25 due September 25 th 2 nd payment of $25 due October 23 rd 3 rd payment of $25 due November 20 th 4 th payment of $25 due December 18 th Payments can be cash or check Checks must be made out to Carver Middle

9 Tournaments The main component of this class is for students to design, construct, and test out their idea for a robot The robots purpose is to solve the problem presented in the game for the year The purpose of robotics tournaments is for students to test their designs in a competitive setting

10 Worlds State Championship Local Events Tournaments


12 TOURNAMENT TRANSPORTATION Students are required to provide their own transportation to tournaments The preferred tournament for students to participate in will be held at Carver This tournament is held in order to assist your student with meeting the tournament participation requirement

13 CARVER TOURNAMENT November 7 th (Saturday) All Day Event This is the premier tournament in the state – 80 teams from across the state will compete Largest tournament in the state before the Championship Two Divisions will be running simultaneously VEX IQ in the gym VRC in the cafeteria More details will be released within the next month through A parent meeting about volunteering will be held before the tournament

14 VOLUNTEERING The Carver Tournament does not run itself I rely on the support of parents to help run the tournament Help is needed the night of November 6 th in order to set up fields Many volunteers will be needed for the following positions: Master of Ceremonies Field reseting Score inputting (computer) Check in table Initial Inspection of robots Queing table Referees Concession stand You will be able to sign up online for these positions – more info to come


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