Final Project Presentation Heath Davis 21:228 Hypertext Hypermedia Systems May 5, 2009.

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1 Final Project Presentation Heath Davis 21:228 Hypertext Hypermedia Systems May 5, 2009

2 ABSTRACT The proposed project is to create a hypermedia non- linear story with elements of randomness. In this story the reader would make choices about the story and based on the choices the reader makes, different portions of the story (and media) would be presented. Ideally this could include textual, audio, graphical and video information for the reader. This project will be used as a test instance, the practical application this system could eventually be an interactive teaching tool for health basics and health literacy where the user/reader (aimed at tweens) is placed as the protagonist and can see outcomes illustrated by the choices made.

3 Rationale Health Literacy is an issue in this country, not just for Adults Funding has been cut from health education programs in public schools –Many teens may not graduate with the basic health education and health literacy skills they need to manage their own health There is an opportunity to use hypermedia resources to provide health education materials

4 Rationale Hypertext provides a medium not just for textual information –Video, audio graphic Hypertext hypertext has the potential to provide a format similar to gaming styles –Less long term attention more interaction than traditional reading materials

5 Major Project Tasks Creating a basic system that provides dynamic interaction based on choices displaying choices, images and other media as needed Creating additional functioning such as editing and adding text blocks Writing and organizing story blocks Creating and styling graphics Because the eventual goal would be to have an item similar to a graphic novel start with graphics to give the feel of that genre

6 Sample of Story Architecture

7 Major Project Tasks Continued Collecting and recording correlating audio and animation Populating the database driving the system Skinning the project with CSS Could be developed later to include several image areas like a traditional GN

8 ER Diagram

9 System Design Concepts Dynamic –Driven out of the database Interactive –The user selects makes choices to affect the story Elements of Randomness –Different users may have different stories and media Re-suse –Parts of story and media can be reused as context changes Potential for unlimited build out –More story blocks, links, and media can be added Meant to be explored by user –Not an additive system

10 Major Challenges The Story –Writing a random story for testing –Many text blocks required to get started May have been easier just to go ahead with the health topics –Keeping track of related paragraphs and linkages Even with the mapping system translating into the database is a challenging process –Adding editing features into the program eases this process Media –For each text block wanted 2-4 images With 40 text blocks that is 120 images that needed to be created, found and stylized

11 Opportunities & Challenges Opportunities: –Web based Anyone with internet can access No cost (opposed to traditional hypertext) Unlimited build out potential This format is flexible, multiple CSS skins could be used and changed through out stories Challenges: –The authoring of content is not a trivial task, specifically in a domain specific environment –Interest, with highly interactive games would intended group use?

12 Potential for Future Use Could be used as an online interactive teaching tool to engage teens in health information and health literacy. –Not limited to that, could be used for education is several contexts Could recycle for many different stories or join them Potential to format them as graphic novels –the initial build used only one image and text but CSS would allows for several images to be placed Could be accessed via mobile devices –Initial views look promising

13 Demo Randomized Links Randomized Visuals –Stylized for potential “Graphic Novel” look Randomized Sound Admin Interface Questions??

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