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Objectives: 1.Quiz 2.Group Work and Presentations on 2.1: Matter.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives: 1.Quiz 2.Group Work and Presentations on 2.1: Matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives: 1.Quiz 2.Group Work and Presentations on 2.1: Matter

2 Quiz Please no talking until all quizzes are in…

3 Group Work Each group will end up with producing a poster of your section of the book. You will then present your poster and section for the class.


5 Groups Group 1: pgs 24-25 Group 2: pgs 26-27, top of 29 Group 3: pgs 29 (bottom), 31 Record your group number and pages at the top of a clean piece of paper.

6 Group Work Step 1: Individually, read your section. Step 2: Individually, write down at least 4 main ideas (or good facts) down from your section.

7 Group Work Step 3: Pair up with one other person that read your section. –Share your main ideas and combine them so you have at least 6 ideas or facts. –Wait for others to finish before going on to step 4.

8 Group Work Step 4: You and your partner pair up with another group of partners from your same section. (4 people) –Together, share what you have. –Come up with at least 8 main ideas or facts. –Be sure to have the key terms down.

9 Group Work Step 5: In your group of four, each person is responsible for 2 of the ideas / facts. They are to make sure those ideas get onto the poster, and they are the person that states those ideas when they are presenting. -Include pictures when appropriate. -Write your names on the back of the poster.

10 Group Work Step 6: When other groups are presenting, you are to take notes. –I will not be covering these ideas in class, so this is your only opportunity to get these ideas down.

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