Ravalli County Curriculum Consortium August 2011 Marzano Research Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "Ravalli County Curriculum Consortium August 2011 Marzano Research Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ravalli County Curriculum Consortium August 2011 Marzano Research Laboratory

2  Taxonomy gives a framework for developing tasks more easily. Gives complexity.  Level 6 – Self-System Thinking  Level 5 – Metacognition  Level 4 – Knowledge Utilization  Level 3 – Analysis  Level 2 – Comprehension  Level 1 – Retrieval

3 Executing--Almost a different category. Can vary in complexity K-12.  Performing procedures Recalling—Short answer type question. Information isn’t provided.  Producing information on demand Recognizing—Most basic level. Information is provided.  Determining whether information is accurate, inaccurate or unknown

4 ProcessDefinitionExample activity Executing The student can perform procedures without significant errors Provide the next number in the sequence: 7,11,14,18,21,___? Recalling The student can produce information on demand Label the diagram of the cell Recognizing The student can determine whether provided information is accurate, inaccurate or unknown Which of the following did not land on the moon? A.Neil Armstrong B.Buzz Aldrin C.Michael Collins

5 ProcessPossible Verbs Executing Use Demonstrate Show Make Complete Draft Create Recalling Exemplify Name List Label State Describe Who What Where When Recognizing Recognize (from a list) Select (from a list) Identify (from a list) Determine if the following Statements are true

6  If the element involves the components of a conversational greeting… …Write a sample task utilizing: Recognizing  Which one of the following is a component of a greeting. Recalling  List 2 different greetings.

7  Symbolizing—Non- linguistic Construct symbolic representations of information  Integrating--Summarizing Identify basic structure of information—most important points.

8 ProcessDefinitionExample activity Symbolizing Depicting the critical aspects of knowledge in a pictorial? form Diagram the structure of the 3 branches of the U.S. government Integrating Identifying the critical or essential elements of knowledge Summarize the main causes of the Civil War

9 ProcessPossible Verbs Symbolizing Symbolize Depict Represent Illustrate Draw Show Use models Diagram Chart Integrating Describe how or why Describe the key parts of Describe the effects Describe the relationship between Explain ways in which Paraphrase Summarize

10  If the element involves the components of conversational greetings.  …With the group at your table, come up with a sample task utilizing: Symbolizing  Create a diagram showing the components of greetings Integrating  Summarize the key components of conversational greetings.

11  Specifying—making predictions Identify logical consequences of information  Generalizing Construct new principles or generalizations based on information  Analyzing Errors—i.e. editing Identify errors  Classifying Identify categories to which information belongs  Matching Identify important similarities and differences

12 OperationDefinitionExample activity Specifying Making and defending predictions about what might happen Predict the impact of a 5 degree change in temperature on the Earth and explain the prediction Generalizing Inferring new generalizations from known knowledge Based on what you know, why do humans build settlements where they do? Analyzing Errors Identifying logical or factual errors in knowledge Examine candidate’s campaign literature to find errors or overgeneralizations Classifying Identifying superordinate and subordinate categories to which information belongs Organize the following countries into 3 different regions Matching Identifying similarities and differences Compare and contrast the foreign policy of the U.S. under Presidents Clinton and Bush.

13 ProcessPossible Verbs Specifying Make and defend Predict Judge Deduce What would have to happen Develop an argument Under what conditions Generalizing Generalize What conclusions can be drawn What inferences can be made Create a generalization Create a principle Create a rule Trace the development of Form conclusions Analyzing Errors Revise Edit Evaluate Diagnose Critique Assess Identify errors Identify problems Identify issues

14 ProcessPossible verbs Classifying Classify Organize Sort Identify a broader category Identify categories Identify different types Matching Categorize Compare and Contrast Differentiate Discriminate Distinguish Sort Create analogy Create metaphor

15  If the element involves the components of conversation with the group at your table, come up with a sample task utilizing: Specifying  Under what conditions would you use different types of greeting? Generalizing  What general conditions must exist for greetings? Analyzing Errors  What errors are made in conversational greetings?

16  If the element involves the components of conversational greetings…  …With the group at your table, come up with a sample task utilizing: Classifying  Organize the greetings into categories (e.g. formal occasions, informal occasions, gender differences etc.) Matching  Compare the greeting components in different cultures.

17  Investigating Testing an hypothesis using the assertions and opinions of others  Experimenting Testing an hypothesis using data collected by the student  Problem Solving Using information to accomplish a goal for which obstacles or limiting conditions exist  Decision Making Using information to make a decision

18 ProcessDefinitionExample Activity Investigating Generate a hypothesis and use the assertions and opinions of others to test the hypothesis Generate a hypothesis and research what might happen to the polar ice caps if the temperature of the earth rose 5 degrees Experimenting Generating and testing a hypothesis by conducting an experiment and collecting data Generate and test a hypothesis about the growth of plants in various medium Problem solving Accomplishing a goal for which obstacles exist Determine the best strategy for accomplishing peace in the world Decision Making Selecting among alternatives that initially appear to be equal Choose the best site for a new airport from 3 alternatives. Explain your decision.

19 ProcessPossible Verbs Investigating Investigate Research Find out about Take a position on What are the differing features of How/Why did this happen What would have happened if Experimenting Experiment Generate and test Test the idea that What would happen if How would you test that How would you determine if How can this be explained Based on the experiment, what can be predicted Problem- Solving Solve Adapt Develop a strategy to Figure out a way to How would you overcome How will you reach your goal to Decision- Making Decide Select the best among alternatives Which of these is most suitable What is the best way

20  … With the group at your table, come up with sample tasks utilizing 1 or 2 of the Knowledge utilization processes… Investigating  Research other types of conversation patterns. Problem-Solving  Develop a strategy that could enhance conversations. Decision – Making  What component of conversation was the most significant ?

21 These are not assessed in the typical classroom  Monitoring Accuracy The student is able to determine their own level of accuracy  Monitoring Clarity The student is able to determine how clear their understanding is  Process Monitoring The student is able to monitor their own progress toward a specific goal  Specifying Goals The student is able to specify learning goals and develop a plan to achieve them

22 These are not assessed in the typical classroom  Examining motivation The students identifies his or her own level of motivation towards learning  Examining Emotional Response The student identifies his or her own emotional response to the learning  Examining Efficacy The student identifies beliefs about his or her ability to improve competence or understanding  Examining Importance The student identifies how important the learning is and the reasons behind this belief

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