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OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 2 Task 3 Task Overview In this task you will create hyperlinks to link the pages together, link to other websites on the Internet.

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Presentation on theme: "OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 2 Task 3 Task Overview In this task you will create hyperlinks to link the pages together, link to other websites on the Internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 2 Task 3 Task Overview In this task you will create hyperlinks to link the pages together, link to other websites on the Internet and link to email, where appropriate. Using the Booklet This booklet contains everything you will need to complete this task, divided up into 2 sections. 1.RED SECTIONS – Explain exactly WHAT you have to do. 2.GREEN SECTIONS - Give you the space to put your evidence

2 Task 3 Part A Create functioning hyperlinks that link the pages together and that link to external websites. You must include: Menu or Navigation bar An Image map Buttons Hyperlink(s) to email Hyperlink(s) to external websites. OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 2 Task 3

3 Task 3 Part A – U2T3S3 – Navigation System OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 2 Task 3 Show and explain your completed Menu or navigation bar.

4 Task 3 Part A – U2T3S4 – Image map OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 2 Task 3 Show and explain your completed Image map.

5 Task 3 Part A – U2T3S5 – Buttons OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 2 Task 3 Show and explain your completed Buttons.

6 Task 3 Part A – U2T3S6 – Hyperlink to Email. OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 2 Task 3 Show and explain your completed hyperlink to email.

7 Task 3 Part A – U2T3S3 – External Hyperlink OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 2 Task 3 Show and explain your completed external hyperlink.

8 Task 3 Part B The user must be able to access all web pages from every page. The method of navigation must be consistently placed on all pages. OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 2 Task 3

9 Task 3 Part B – U2T3S9 – Access all pages OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 2 Task 3 Show and explain that the user can access every page from every page.

10 Task 3 Part B – U2T3S10 – Consistent navigation OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 2 Task 3 Show and explain that your main navigation is in the same place on each page.

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