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WP 3 Roxana Bojariu Administratia Nationala de Meteorologie.

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Presentation on theme: "WP 3 Roxana Bojariu Administratia Nationala de Meteorologie."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP 3 Roxana Bojariu Administratia Nationala de Meteorologie

2 Objectives produce innovative and integrated climate change products that are multi-purpose, but based on user requirements, and form the basis for future GMES implementation services produce innovative and integrated climate change products that are multi-purpose, but based on user requirements, and form the basis for future GMES implementation services develop regular, flexible and holistic reference baseline CIBs (see Section B.1.1) that are generic in the sense that they serve the full range of climate users and applications sectors in Europe within the wider global community; develop regular, flexible and holistic reference baseline CIBs (see Section B.1.1) that are generic in the sense that they serve the full range of climate users and applications sectors in Europe within the wider global community; manage and operate the European Climate Liaison Team (CLT) and implement a user feedback loop by compiling user requirements for all GEO areas (e.g. define the most crucial climatological parameters and how they should be summarized) and providing scientific guidance on the best ways to disseminate and use the EURO4M products and services; manage and operate the European Climate Liaison Team (CLT) and implement a user feedback loop by compiling user requirements for all GEO areas (e.g. define the most crucial climatological parameters and how they should be summarized) and providing scientific guidance on the best ways to disseminate and use the EURO4M products and services; link to the WMO Information System (WIS), which will form one operational exemplar of the GEOSS architecture implementation process; link to the WMO Information System (WIS), which will form one operational exemplar of the GEOSS architecture implementation process; support the user community with active training, e- learning/training modules; support the user community with active training, e- learning/training modules; work on capacity building closely with candidate countries and developing countries, which will be among the largest potential beneficiaries of international co-operation in atmospheric observation. work on capacity building closely with candidate countries and developing countries, which will be among the largest potential beneficiaries of international co-operation in atmospheric observation.

3 WP 3 in general structure

4 Internal structure

5 GANTT diagram for WP3

6 Deliverables Climate Indicator Bulletins (CIBs) as sound user-oriented multi-purpose products for future GMES services that synthesize all existing information relevant for environmental assessments and respond quickly (within a few days) to climatic events (D3.1, D3.2, M3.1); Climate Liaison Team (CLT), which will activelysolicit user requirements and feedback (D3.3, M3.2); a pan-European meta user-requirement document for the intersection of user needs across the range of user communities and a data storage and dissemination document, describing the user driven and INSPIRE- compliant infrastructure of EURO4M (D3.4, D3.5); video podcasts, training material and workshops on monitoring of climate extremes, also in developing countries (D3.6, D3.7, D3.8); EURO4M website, brochure and logo (D3.9, D3.10).

7 Water resource in soil

8 User awareness of uncertainties/limitation in climate products S=(C-E)/(T-E)x100

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