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课标人教实验版 高二 Module 5 Unit 2. Listening What do you know about Qian Xuesen? Qian Xuesen, father of Missile in China, was born in Hangzhou. As an academician,

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Presentation on theme: "课标人教实验版 高二 Module 5 Unit 2. Listening What do you know about Qian Xuesen? Qian Xuesen, father of Missile in China, was born in Hangzhou. As an academician,"— Presentation transcript:

1 课标人教实验版 高二 Module 5 Unit 2

2 Listening

3 What do you know about Qian Xuesen? Qian Xuesen, father of Missile in China, was born in Hangzhou. As an academician, he has contributed greatly to the astronautical industry of the country.



6 Look at the picture and predict the content of the listening. 1

7 Before we begin to listen to it, look at the screen and read the new words in the material : astronomer ( 天文学家 ) astronaut ( 宇航员 ) institute ( 研究所 )

8 Listen to Parts 1 and 2 of the tape for the first time and write down the main idea. 2 It is about the role of Qian Xuesen in the development of space technology in China.

9 A GREAT CHINESE SCIENTIST Father of the Chinese space programme Yu Ping is talking to her friend Steve Smith about Qian Xuesen and his work as a rocket scientist. Listening text

10 Part 1 YP: What do you want to be when you grow up, Steve? SS: I want to be an astronomer and visit stars. I wish to visit Mars one day. YP: I think I'd like to work in the space industry too. I'd like to be a rocket scientist like Qian Xuesen. SS: What did he have to do to become a rocket scientist?

11 YP: Well, he first studied at university to be an engineer. Later he went to America to study for his doctor's degree. It was then he began to work on rockets there. SS: So it was lucky for our space programme that he came back to China.

12 YP: Very much so. There was no work on space rockets in China before he began his institute to design and build rockets to go into space. SS: Do you think he wanted to travel into space in one of his rockets?

13 Part 2 SS: do you think he wanted to travel into space in one of his rockets? YP: I have no idea but I believe he looked forward to the first space flight by a Chinese astronaut.

14 SS: Yes. Now that China has already sent satellites into space. I hope we’ll be the first to land on Mars. That would really be something special and if I were that astronaut I would put Qian Xuesen's picture on Mars to show how much we admire his work.

15 YP: Indeed. He is rightfully called the father of the Chinese space programme. He is my hero and he is why I want to be a rocket scientist.

16 SS: Well, we'd better get on with our homework. We need good grades to get into university. YP: Right you are. See you, then. SS: See you.

17 1.What did Qian Xuesen study first? Qian Xuesen first studied to be an engineer. 2.What experience did he get in America that was very useful for China? In America he began to work on space rockets so that he was able to develop a space programme when he came back to China. Answer the questions 3

18 3.What was Qian Xuesen's main achievement when he returned to China? When Qian Xuesen returned to China he set up a Space Institute to begin training people in how to design and build rockets.

19 4 China’s achievements in space Steve smith’s ambitions Listen to Part 2 and fill in the chart below. 1. China astronauts in space. 2. Chinese satellites in space 1. Become a rocket scientist 2. Be the first to land on Mars and put Qian Xuesen’s pitture there

20 These questions may help you: What kind of scientific job do you want to do? What education will you need? 5 In pairs discuss a scientific job you might choose in the future.

21 What personality will be needed? How long will the training take? What work experience would be useful? How will you prepare for this career? Why are you so interested in this job?

22 MIKE: What do you want to do when you grow up? LI RU: I want to build robots. I will have to do a physics and mathematics degree in China. Sample conversation:

23 After that I hope to go abroad to Reading University in England where you can study all about robots. There is a special cybernetics( 控制论 ) department there. MIKE: Why personality will be needed for that job?

24 LI RU: I think I need to be patient for my ideas which will take a long time to develop. I also need to be creative enough to have good ideas. MIKE: What experience will be most useful to you?

25 LI RU: I think technology and engineering projects. I hope to work in a factory in my holidays. MIKE: What kind of person makes a good inventor?

26 LI RU: I think someone who is happy to persevere at something and learns from his mistakes. MIKE: Thank you. I think designing robots sounds fun.

27 Robert Briggs is very interested in biology and especially in the study of plants. Today he is telling his friend Zhang Wei some exciting news. Before you listen to the tape discuss with your partner how you would find out the name of a flower. Listening (P41)

28 New words in the listening passage: species ( 种类 ) , parrot ( 鹦鹉 ) , blackbird ( 乌鸦 )

29 1. Which of the following statements describes what this listening passage is about? Give your reasons. A. This is about a man who wants to name a flower. B. This is about a man who finds a flower and wants to own it. C. This is about a man who finds a flower and wants to know if it is a new species of flower. It does not give enough information. B is inaccurate.

30 Listen to the tape again and complete the following passage. To find the name of an unknown flower first you should ask your ________ teacher to help you. He /She will look in a special _____written by Carl Linnaeus. biology book

31 He lived in ______ from ____ to _____. He was very important because he solved a ______ problem for biology. Sweden 17071778 serious

32 1.If Robert Briggs finds the flower in the book, what does that mean? It means that his flower has already been identified and has a name. 2. How would he know if his lily is a new species? He would know by checking his lily against other lilies in the specialist book. If his lily is different it will be a new species. Listen to the tape a third time and answer these questions.

33 3. Why do plants all have two names? All plants have two names just like people. The first is the group of flowers they belong to and is like the family name. the second is the kind fo flower within that group and is like a given/personal name.

34 4. What was the serious problem for biology that Linnaeus solved? Before Linnaeus there was no way of finding out whether a plant was new or not. This caused problems because different scientists claimed that they had found and named flowers first. After he organized his system it was easy to discover whether a plant was new or not and so who had the right to name it.

35 NAMING A FLOWER Robert Briggs is talking to Zhang Wei about a new kind of lily he has found. Listening text

36 ZW : Hello Robert. What’s that book you’re carrying? RB : A book that helps you identify a flower.

37 ZW: I see. Why do you want that? RB: Well, I’ve found this lily. It looks different to me. So I want to find out if it’s new or not. Our biology teacher told me that if it’s already known, I’d find it in this book.

38 ZW: Wow! So you think you may have found a new lily? RB: I hope so, but I have to do some research first to find out for sure. ZW: What happens if it’s in the book?

39 RB: It means that somebody else has found it and named it. Then I’ll know its biological name. ZW: What do you mean by the biological name? RB: Actually like us a flower has two names. The first is the group of flowers it belongs to- like a family name. A rose is one such group.

40 The second is the kind of flower- like a given name. ti may describe what the rose looks like; for example, the color of an autumn sunset. Together you get the flower’s name, which is Rose Autumn Sunset. ZW: Gosh! Who made that system? RB: A great scientist called Carl Linnaeus. He lived in Sweden form 1707 to 1778.

41 ZW: So long ago! RB: Yes, and he solved a very serious problem for biology. ZW: What was that? RB: Before him nobody could tell if a plant was new, as there was no way of checking. There’re so many plants, you see!

42 ZW: Yes, I appreciate that! So his system is still used?? RB: Indeed it is. If my flower isn’t in this book, I’ll know that I’ve found a new kind of lily.

43 ZW: That’s great! Can I come and help you? This research sound fun. RB: Yes, and if I’m lucky….(fading out)

44 ZW: I see. So if your flower is new it will be called "lily, Robert" will it? RB: Yes, it will --- if I'm very lucky. ZW: Well, I hope you're successful. Goodbye. RB: Goodbye.

45 pure( 纯的 ), symbol( 符号 ), Л( 圆周率 ); sine( 正弦 ), cosine( 余弦 ), topology( 拓扑学 ) angle( 角 ), diagram( 图表 ) pure( 纯的 ), symbol( 符号 ), Л( 圆周率 ); sine( 正弦 ), cosine( 余弦 ), topology( 拓扑学 ) angle( 角 ), diagram( 图表 ) Listening Task (P44) Listen to Part 1 again and tick the words above that Euler introduced into mathematics.

46 Euler's new branch of mathematics Why Euleer is considered to be a great mathema- tician Listen to Part 2 and fill in the chart below. topology Introduced many new symbols into maths Wrote more books than anyone before or since Discovered a new branch of mathematics Introduced many new symbols into maths Wrote more books than anyone before or since Discovered a new branch of mathematics

47 What was the problem of the city of Konigsberg? It had a river running through it. The centre of Konigsberg is an island and as it passes the island the river breaks into two parts. Seven bridges were built so that the people of the city could get from one part to another. The people wondered if you could walk around the city so that you would cross each bridge only once.

48 A MATHEMATICIAN'S PROBLEM John Smith is talking to Zhao Yang about a mathematician who interests him. Listening text

49 Part I JS: Did you know that we have been studying Euler in maths? ZY: Who is he? I’ve never heard of him.

50 JS: Well, he was a famous mathematician in the eighteenth century. He revised all the pure mathematics that was known in his day. ZY: That probably wasn't very much.

51 JS: You're wrong there. He wrote more than any other mathematician before or since. ZY: Really! Well, what did he do?

52 JS: He introduced a lot of symbols into mathematics such as pi (Л) and the terms sine and cosine. ZY: Wow! JS: And he did half of this work when he was blind ZY: How did he do that? JS: He told his ideas to someone else who wrote them down.

53 Part 2 ZY: What were his achievements? JS: He did introduce a new branch of mathematics called topology. It helps you understand things by using diagrams. The subway map is a good example. It doesn’t tell you distances but it shows how stations connect together.

54 ZY: How did he start topology? JS: Well, in 1735 he was inspired by a problem in the city of Konigsberg where he lived. Look at the map in your book.

55 Konigsberg had a river running through it. The centre is an island. As the river passes the island, it breaks into two parts. Seven bridges were built over the river. Euler wondered if you could walk around the city so that you cross each bridge only once.

56 ZY: Let me try that. It sounds quite simple to me. JS: Try, but it’s not as easy as it looks.

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