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Involving businesses by professional education The most sustainable way to implement Travel Demand Management as a tool for accessibility problems is to.

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Presentation on theme: "Involving businesses by professional education The most sustainable way to implement Travel Demand Management as a tool for accessibility problems is to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Involving businesses by professional education The most sustainable way to implement Travel Demand Management as a tool for accessibility problems is to make it a serious profession.

2 Managing Mobility The Foundation Managing Mobility aims to encourage and improve the Development and dissemination of knowledge on Location Accessibility / Mobility Management / Travel Demand management. The Foundation strives to accomplish this through the Development of study material, the foundation of knowledge networks, exchange of professionals between projects, participating and extending knowledge platforms and projects.

3 AIMS Develop good education for future managers who will be working for businesses, project developers and real estate, which allows them to act professional with Travel Demand Management; Create a certificate provided by branch organisations to increase the value of the students who attend to the course; Integrate the topic into existing courses such as: Event Management, Procurement, Real Estate Management, et cetera; Develop good education materials for teachers and students from a companies point of view. By sharing this on and internet platform we will create continuous improvement. Create a possibility to exchange information from the working field to the classroom Offering a International master class and management trainee program to attract high potentials in the field of Travel Demand Management and create value by creating experience and a European network.

4 Attracting students: Minor markets

5 Results At the end of 2007 a back-office has started to support the Universities with educating the teachers, developing basic course material and getting companies involved in teaching and educating Travel Demand Management. Three Universities are working on a minor to start in the season 2008/2009. The other Universities are implementing Travel Demand Management in existing courses. The accessibility of events is a major part of the minor event management.

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