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 Title the next page in your copybook: Chapter 2 Review  Number and copy each question  Answer in a complete sentence  Lesson 1: Page 53 # 1 – 4 

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1  Title the next page in your copybook: Chapter 2 Review  Number and copy each question  Answer in a complete sentence  Lesson 1: Page 53 # 1 – 4  Lesson 2: Page 61 # 1 – 4  Lesson 3: Page 71 # 1 – 4 & 7  Chapter Summary: Page 75 # 1 - 15 This review is a graded copybook assignment!!

2 1. As the world’s climate grew warmer and drier, people developed new ways to store food, hunted smaller prey, and began farming 2. Farmers used slash-and-burn farming to prepare the soil for planting 3. They captured and penned wild animals. Eventually these animals became tame. 4. Rye, barley and Einkorn

3 1. With surplus food, farming communities could feed larger numbers of people. In time, these communities became villages. This led to a division of labor, where people did different jobs. 2. A pastoral society is a society where people live as nomads and have domesticated animals. 3. Village life led to the development of more complex societies, new tools, and trade. Living in villages led to a division of labor, which led to social classes. 4. People would need to cooperate in digging ditches and making sure that everyone had enough water.

4 1. Surpluses of food meant that more and more people could live together. Slowly, small towns grew into large cities. 2. People lived closer together in crowded urban areas. 3. The earliest cities developed in Mesopotamia. (Southwestern Asia) 4. Cities had urban areas with people living closer together, an organized government, a division of labor, more specialized jobs, and an advanced culture. 7. A surplus of food led to a division of labor; not everybody had to be a farmer anymore. New and different jobs gave people different amounts of power and responsibility in the village. Social classes developed as people were ranked according to their jobs.

5 1. Domesticate: adapt or tame for human use 2. Subsist: survive 3. Urban: of or like a city 4. Surplus: extra supply 5. Merchant: a person who sells goods bought from traders

6 6. Irrigation developed before cities. 7. People developed the plow about 2000 years after they began domesticating plants. 8. Farming in south west Asia began about 200 years before farming in South America. 9. After the Ice Age, warmer temperature, growing populations, animal extinctions, and droughts led humans to begin farming. 10. Early farmers kept wild sheep and goats. 1. With surplus food, farming communi ties could feed larger numbers of people. In time,these communi ties became villages.

7 11. The Yangshao people built terraces by cutting steps of flat land into the sides of hills and mountains. 12. The first farmers grew B) grains. 13. The people of Abu Hureyra and Jericho D) domesticated plants and animals. 14. People learned to plant seeds from wild plants; they chose the best seeds to grow better crops each season. They captured wild animals; over time, the animals became tame. 15. They learned to use some plants as new sources of material for making clothing.

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