0 eCPIC Admin Training: Custom Calculated Fields These training materials are owned by the Federal Government. They can be used or modified only by FESCOM.

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1 0 eCPIC Admin Training: Custom Calculated Fields These training materials are owned by the Federal Government. They can be used or modified only by FESCOM member agencies.

2 1 Overview  Within eCPIC, administrators have the flexibility to create custom, tailored fields that unify the approach between portfolio analysis and internal data requirements. eCPIC provides an agile environment for creating custom calculated fields, which can provide automated responses or values to data that has been entered manually. These fields can drive agency analytics and enable CPIC offices to identify and gather essential data points across their portfolio. Custom fields for rating your Agency’s Cost Variance Percent

3 2 Overview  This training session will focus on various ways that administrators can create custom calculated fields, and the flexibility that exists within eCPIC for using different types of formulas.  To begin creating custom fields in the Admin Module, navigate to: Add > Add Field. 1 2

4 3 Step 1 – Create A Calculated Field  Select the Add Field option to navigate to the Manage Field Attributes page, which is where the new field definitions are defined, by completing the four required definition areas: 1)Field Name 2)Field Type 3)Input Control 4)Input Control Attribute  Enter the desired Field Name and select the appropriate Field Type from the drop down menu.  The Input Control menu is the variable option where administrators can choose to create the Custom Calculation type.  Once you have selected this option from the drop down list and the Input Control Attribute is assigned, click on the button.

5 4 Step 2 – Select Variable Fields for Analysis  With the field’s definition requirements entered, you will need to select the existing field(s) that you intend to use in the custom calculations.  In the example below, the Cloud Computing Alternatives Analysis field will be used for the variable field within the custom calculation. Click on the box, followed by the button when all of the desired variable fields have been selected. eCPIC Tip: When assigning field(s) for a custom calculation, expand the field category list and select the link to assist in locating the desired field. Using this filter will narrow the fields being shown to only those that match your search criteria. 1 2

6 5 Step 3 – Enter and Validate Equations  The final step in establishing a custom field requires that a calculation be entered within the within the text area, as shown in the image below.  Clicking on the link will reveal the field properties, assisting in defining the equation. Once the calculation has been entered, select the to ensure the equation is properly formatted. A popup window will appear to indicate the equation is valid.  Once complete, click on the to successfully create your new, custom calculated field.

7 6  Select the link to instantly display a list of sample functions to assist with building out your field’s calculation.  Select the link to generate a.pdf file of eCPIC’s Custom Calculations Function Guide when selected. eCPIC Sample Functions eCPIC Custom Calculations Guide Functions and Calculation Guide

8 7  After the custom field has been created, navigate to the Admin module to add the field to a new or existing process.  Assign the field from the Unassigned Fields list by clicking the next to the field’s name, followed by the button. Adding Custom Fields to a Process  Note: For additional information on assigning fields to a new or existing process, please refer to the eCPIC Custom Processes training module.  With the field added to the Assigned Fields’ list, determine the appropriate structure for displaying the fields.  With the desired field structure in place, select to complete and save the changes. 2 1

9 8 Viewing your Custom Field within an Investment Identifies that the “Cloud Computing Alternatives Evaluation Review” is a custom calculated field. To view the calculation or formula, hover over the icon.  To view the field within the Investments module, navigate to the process that the new field has been added to.  In the example below, the Cloud Alternatives Evaluation field is the catalyst for the field that we created in the earlier slide. By simply saving the page within the Investments module, the Cloud Computing Alternatives Evaluation Review displays the calculated response that was defined within the field’s equation.

10 9 Use Within a Scorecard  eCPIC enables agencies to create custom calculations within a scorecard, to assist in standardizing and streamlining internal CIO rating evaluation processes.  For the equation below, the CIO has declared that if an investment does not receive a green score in Budget Management, it cannot receive a green rating overall (that is, the highest score it can receive is a 12).  The equation in this scorecard states that if Var001 (Budget Management) is less than 5 (i.e.—not green), then the highest possible overall score for the investment is a 12. Otherwise, if Var001 is green, the overall score is simply a sum of all three score fields. Custom Calculation Assigned Field List

11 10 Use Within Investments- An Example  As an example of using a custom field within your investment, suppose a CIO desires to include the investment’s cost variance percent as a component of the CIO investment rating.  Administrators can quickly create a field that automatically generates a score, which is based off of the investment’s cost variance. Depending upon your agency’s scoring preference, the output of the equation can be in the form of an integer or string output type. String Output Type Integer Output Type

12 11 Use Within Investments- An Example  Identifying efficient and creative ways to deliver guidance to your agency’s PMs can expedite review time and assist with submitting accurate data to the ITDB. Using calculated fields can be ideal in a circumstance as described below, especially for ensuring that the new, required fields for OMB’s annual submission have been addressed.  In the example below, the defined equation references the new OMB BY14 required Cloud Computing Alternatives Evaluation field. The administrator has created the Cloud Computing Alternatives Evaluation Review field, which provides guidance to the investment owner depending on which Cloud Computing Alternative answer they selected.

13 12 Further Reading Further Reading– Refer to the following sections of the eCPIC Administrator Guide & Quick Guides for additional details on the material covered in this training session:  Administrator Guide Section 5: Field Management  Administrator Guide Section Custom Calculated Fields  Custom Calculations Function Guide:Custom Calculations and Equations  Training Session:Custom Processes  Quick Guide:Scoring in eCPIC

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