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Science Fiction meets Science Fact ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Fiction meets Science Fact ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Fiction meets Science Fact ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

2 Long used in the realms of science fiction Artificial Intelligence or AI has now not only made it to popular culture but is fast becoming science fact. Robotics itself is rapidly becoming one of the leading fields in Science and Technology. Very soon humanity is going to coexist with a totally new class of technological artifact – the robot.

3 This is no longer science fiction or fantasy yet it is not to the point of “living machines” from the movies or those of our imagination. However, through this development of technology and understanding we strive to make these machines more and more “Human” every day through the development of a human-like artificial intelligence.

4 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of Science which deals with helping machines find solutions to complex problems in a more human-like fashion. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

5 This generally involves borrowing characteristics from human intelligence, and applying them as algorithms in a computer friendly way. A more or less flexible or efficient approach can be taken depending on the requirements established, which influences how artificial the intelligent behavior appears. AI is generally associated with Computer Science, but it has many important links with other fields such as Math, Psychology, Cognition, Biology and Philosophy, among many others.

6 It was formally initiated in 1956, when the name was coined, although the ideas and concepts of what AI could really do were actually being studied as early as 1951. However, the study of intelligence is one of the oldest disciplines. For over 2000 years, philosophers have tried to understand how seeing, learning, remembering, and reasoning could, or should, be done.

7 The advent of usable computers in the early 1950s turned the learned but armchair speculation concerning these mental faculties into a real experimental and theoretical discipline. Many felt that the new ``Electronic Super-Brains'' had unlimited potential for intelligence. ``Faster Than Einstein'' was a typical headline. But as well as providing a vehicle for creating artificially intelligent entities, the computer provides a tool for testing theories of intelligence, and many of those theories failed to withstand the test

8 AI has turned out to be more difficult than many at first imagined and modern ideas are much richer, more subtle, and more interesting as a result. AI currently encompasses a huge variety of subfields, from general-purpose areas such as perception and logical reasoning, to specific tasks such as playing chess, proving mathematical theorems, writing poetry, and diagnosing diseases.

9 Often, scientists in other fields move gradually into artificial intelligence, where they find the tools and vocabulary to systematize and automate the intellectual tasks on which they have been working all their lives. Similarly, workers in AI can choose to apply their methods to any area of human intellectual endeavor. In this sense, it is truly a universal field.


11 It is often difficult to construct a definition of a discipline that is satisfying to all of its practitioners because AI research encompasses a spectrum of related topics. Broadly, AI is the computer-based exploration of methods for solving challenging tasks that have traditionally depended on people for solution. Such tasks include complex logical inference, diagnosis, visual recognition, comprehension of natural language, game playing, explanation, and planning.

12 However, this is not the only or best definition of Artificial Intelligence. There are many alternative ideas/definitions of just what AI means:

13 Alternative AI is the study of how to make computers do things which at the moment people do better. This is ephemeral as it refers to the current state of computer science and it excludes a major area; problems that cannot be solved well either by computers or by people at the moment. Alternative AI is a field of study that encompasses computational techniques for performing tasks that apparently require intelligence when performed by humans. Alternative AI is the branch of computer science that is concerned with the automation of intelligent behavior. A I is based upon the principles of computer science namely data structures used in knowledge representation, the algorithms needed to apply that knowledge and the languages and programming techniques used in their implementation. These definitions avoid philosophic discussions as to what is meant by artificial or intelligence.

14 Alternative AI is the field of study that seeks to explain and emulate intelligent behavior in terms of computational processes. Alternative AI is about generating representations and procedures that automatically or autonomously solve problems heretofore solved by humans. Alternative AI is the part of computer science concerned with designing intelligent computer systems, that is, computer systems that exhibit the characteristics we associate with intelligence in human behavior such as understanding language, learning, reasoning and solving problems

15 Alternative AI is the study of mental faculties through the use of computational models Alternative AI is the study of the computations that make it possible to perceive, reason, and act Alternative AI is the exciting new effort to make computers, think machines with minds, in the full and literal sense.

16 HOW DOES THIS ALL FIT TOGETHER: AI is concerned with developing computer systems that can store knowledge and effectively use the knowledge to help solve problems and accomplish tasks. This brief statement sounds a lot like one of the commonly accepted goals in the education of humans.

17 We want students to learn (gain knowledge) and to learn to use this knowledge to help solve problems and accomplish tasks. All of these alternative definitions when summarized give us four possible goals to pursue in artificial intelligence: Systems that think like humans Systems that act like humans Systems that think rationally. (A system is rational if it does the right thing.) Systems that act rationally

18 Historically, all four approaches have been followed. As one might expect, a tension exists between approaches centered around humans and approaches centered around rationality.

19 We should point out that by distinguishing between human and rational behavior, we are not suggesting that humans are necessarily ``irrational'' in the sense of ``emotionally unstable'' or ``insane.'' One merely need note that we often make mistakes; we are not all chess grandmasters even though we may know all the rules of chess; and unfortunately, not everyone gets an A on the exam.

20 A human-centered approach must be an empirical science, involving hypothesis and experimental confirmation. A rationalist approach involves a combination of mathematics and engineering. People in each group sometimes cast aspersions on work done in the other groups, but the truth is that each direction has yielded valuable insights.

21 Areas of Artificial Intelligence Perception Robotics Planning Expert Systems Theorem Proving Symbolic Mathematics Game Playing AI Technique

22 PERCEPTION: Machine Vision: It is easy to interface a TV camera to a computer and get an image into memory; the problem is understanding what the image represents. Vision takes lots of computation; in humans, roughly 10% of all calories consumed are burned in vision computation Speech Understanding: Speech understanding is available now. Some systems must be trained for the individual user and require pauses between words. Understanding continuous speech with a larger vocabulary is harder Touch (tactile or haptic) Sensation: Important for robot assembly tasks

23 ROBOTICS: Although industrial robots have been expensive, robot hardware can be cheap: Radio Shack has sold a working robot arm and hand for $15. The limiting factor in application of robotics is not the cost of the robot hardware itself. What is needed is perception and intelligence to tell the robot what to do; “Blind” robots are limited to very well-structured tasks (like spray painting car bodies).

24 PLANNING: Planning is the attempt to order actions to achieve a specific goal or goals. Planning applications include logistics, manufacturing scheduling, planning manufacturing steps to construct a desired product. There are huge amounts of money to be saved through better planning.

25 EXPERT SYSTEMS: Expert Systems attempt to capture the knowledge of a human expert and make it available through a computer program. Expert systems provide the following benefits Reducing skill level needed to operate complex devices. Diagnostic advice for device repair. Interpretation of complex data. “Cloning” of scarce expertise. Capturing knowledge of expert who is about to retire. Combining knowledge of multiple experts. Intelligent training

26 THEOREM PROVING: Proving mathematical theorems might seem to be mainly of academic interest. However, many practical problems can be cast in terms of theorems. A general theorem prover can therefore be widely applicable

27 SYMBOLIC MATHEMATICS: Symbolic mathematics refers to manipulation of formulas, rather than arithmetic on numeric values Algebra Differential & Integral Calculus Symbolic manipulation is often used in conjunction with ordinary scientific computation as a generator of programs used to actually do the calculations Symbolic manipulation programs are an important component of scientific and engineering workstations

28 GAME PLAYING: Games are good vehicles for research because they are well formalized, small, and self- contained. They are therefore easily programmed Games can be good models of competitive situations, so principles discovered in game- playing programs may be applicable to practical problems

29 AI TECHNIQUE: Intelligence requires knowledge but knowledge possesses less desirable properties such as It is voluminous It is difficult to characterize accurately It is constantly changing It differs from data by being organized in a way that corresponds to its application An AI technique is a method that exploits knowledge that is represented so that : The knowledge captures generalizations; situations that share properties, are grouped together, rather than being allowed separate representation

30 It can be understood by people who must provide it; although for many programs the bulk of the data may come automatically, such as from readings. In many AI domains people must supply the knowledge to programs in a form the people understand and in a form that is acceptable to the program: It can be easily modified to correct errors and reflect changes in real conditions It can be widely used even if it is incomplete or inaccurate It can be used to help overcome its own sheer bulk by helping to narrow the range of possibilities that must be usually considered

31 SPECIAL THANKS TO: A.F. Kana’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Lecture Notes) Gianmarco Veruggio His ideas & Book: The Roboethics Roadmap


33 Now that we know more about the literal and practical side of Artificial Intelligence what about the moral implications? What does Artificial Intelligence mean to our society, to our culture, to Humans as a whole? This is where science fiction comes back to play a major role

34 We can evaluate and dwell on the wonder of Artificial Intelligence and speak about what great things it will do for us in the future but what will being more human do to the machines that have this intelligence? Will they be benevolent and work with us side by side as equals – would we accept them as such, will they be relegated to slavery until one day robot rights will be a serious topic for debate (First international Symposium on Roboethics was held in Italy in 2004), or could they become the tyrannical overlords who knows what’s best for their violent fleshy children (Terminator or the Matrix)

35 Regardless of what may come it will be an event rich in ethical, social and economic problems It is the first time in history that humanity is approaching the challenge to replicate an intelligent and autonomous entity. This compels the scientific community to examine closely the very concept of intelligence — in humans, animals, and of the mechanical — from a cybernetic standpoint

36 In fact, complex concepts like autonomy, learning, consciousness, evaluation, free will, decision making, freedom, emotions, and many others shall be analyzed, taking into account that the same concept shall not have, in humans, animals, and machines, the same reality and semantic meaning.

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