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Meet the Spartans. Sparta primary city of Peloponnesus agriculturally center of Greece built around natural defences.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the Spartans. Sparta primary city of Peloponnesus agriculturally center of Greece built around natural defences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the Spartans

2 Sparta primary city of Peloponnesus agriculturally center of Greece built around natural defences

3 Three distinct classes Dorians  Spartiates Conquered People  Perioeci and Helots Spartiates (full citizens) 25,000 Dorians Conquered Peoples Perioeci (“dwellers around”) 100,000 Helots (serfs) 250, 000 1 Spartiate to every 15 conquered people

4 Helots descendants of people who had resisted to Spartan rule forced to work on the land (more or less slaves) could not be sold or killed Perioeci descendants of people who had surrounded to Spartan rule lived in own towns around Sparta free to trade and join army no political rights heavily taxed Spartiates Citizens of Sparta only those born in the city (no outsiders all served in the army could vote on important issues

5 While other Greek city states sent out colonies to elevate financial problems. Sparta annexed Messenia to the West. Problem: More serfs, Spartiates even bigger minority Solution: permanent standing army Lycurgus was the legendary lawgiver of Sparta, established the military-oriented reformation of Spartan society. All his reforms were directed towards the three Spartan virtues: equality (among citizens), military fitness and austerity.

6 Sparta becomes a military society whose primary purpose was to produce and maintain professional soldiers. There was no room for culture and individuality.

7 Life of a Soldier At age of 7: Agoge removed from mother and put in Barracks\ drilled and displaced to be self reliant, tough and unthinking soldier At 20: formal military training expected to marry but ate, slept and trained with army At 30 -60: drafted for military service Produced soldier that didn’t fear death and the most powerful killing machines the world had known

8 Spartan Woman expected to fit to produce healthy babies weak babies were left to die Indoctrinated to expect their sons back “with their shield or on their shield” To keep this rigid system intact foreign ideas were banned and travelling from Sparta was restricted

9 Two monarchs ruled simultaneously kingly, priestly and judicial powers mass immigration (sea people?) Ephors had the real power five elected overseers who presided over two legislative bodies 30 members served for life created legislation 30 members voted on legislation

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