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Red, White, and Blue: The Story of the American Flag Second Grade Reading Unit 6 – Story 2.

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2 Red, White, and Blue: The Story of the American Flag Second Grade Reading Unit 6 – Story 2

3 Vocabulary freedom flag stripes stars nicknames b irthday A merica C ongress A merican Revolution c olonies

4 freedom Being able to do, say, and think as you please.

5 flag A piece of colored cloth with stars or other symbols on it.

6 stripes A long, narrow band of color.

7 stars A shape that has five or six points.

8 nicknames A name used instead of real names.

9 freedom, flag, stripes, stars, nicknames In a complete 7-up sentence use at least TWO of these words.

10 birthday The day that you were born, celebrated each year.

11 America Another name for North America or the United States.

12 Congress The national lawmaking group of the United States.

13 American Revolution War in which the thirteen America colonies gained their freedom from England.

14 colonies Groups of people who left their own land to settle in another land.

15 birthday, America, Congress, American Revolution, colonies In a complete 7-up sentence use at least TWO of the vocabulary words.

16 Amazing Words history independence symbol patriotic unfurl frayed allegiance indivisible

17 history All that has happened in the life of a people, a country, or a field of study such as science or art.

18 independence Freedom from being controlled by other people or countries.

19 symbol Something, such as a sign, a mark, or an object that stands for something else.

20 patriotic When someone shows love and loyalty to his or her country.

21 unfurl To unroll or spread something out.

22 frayed To be worn away on the edges, and threads are hanging loose.

23 allegiance Loyalty or faithfulness a person feels to his or her country, a leader, a friend, or family.

24 indivisible Cannot be divided, or separated into parts.

25 The Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the Flag Of the United States of America, And to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation under God, indivisible, With liberty and justice for all. — The Pledge of Allegiance, 1892 Francis Bellamy (1856-1931)

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