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Glimpses of Our God Lesson 5 The Holiness of God.

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1 Glimpses of Our God Lesson 5 The Holiness of God

2 Memory Text Psalm 99:9 (KJV)Psalm 99:9 (KJV) Exalt the LORD our God, and worship at his holy hill; for the LORD our God is holy.Exalt the LORD our God, and worship at his holy hill; for the LORD our God is holy. How did God come to be called “LORD” in caps?How did God come to be called “LORD” in caps? How does this text suggest we should exalt Yahweh?How does this text suggest we should exalt Yahweh? What made His holy hill holy?What made His holy hill holy? Where is His temple today?Where is His temple today? What did Jesus promise those gathered in His name?What did Jesus promise those gathered in His name?

3 To be Holy What does it mean to you to be holy? What is holiness?What does it mean to you to be holy? What is holiness? What is the first thing that God made holy? (Gen 2:3)What is the first thing that God made holy? (Gen 2:3) How should we keep this holy day holy?How should we keep this holy day holy?

4 Who is Holy What was God’s first command to Moses at the burning bush? (Ex 3:5)What was God’s first command to Moses at the burning bush? (Ex 3:5) What made the ground holy?What made the ground holy? What will the redeemed sing about the holiness of God? (Rev 15:3-4)What will the redeemed sing about the holiness of God? (Rev 15:3-4) When probation closes, to whom does Jesus refer as being holy? (Rev 22:11)When probation closes, to whom does Jesus refer as being holy? (Rev 22:11) Where does our righteousness and holiness come from?Where does our righteousness and holiness come from?

5 God and Mankind Although God created us in His image, what are some of the ways that God is radically different from us?Although God created us in His image, what are some of the ways that God is radically different from us? What do we need in order to dwell forever in the presence of a holy God?What do we need in order to dwell forever in the presence of a holy God? What is the good news of 1 Tim 1:15?What is the good news of 1 Tim 1:15?

6 Holy, Holy, Holy Read Isa 6:1-3Read Isa 6:1-3 What attribute of God is proclaimed by the angels?What attribute of God is proclaimed by the angels? What is the significance of saying “holy” three times?What is the significance of saying “holy” three times? Second degree emphasis:Second degree emphasis: –You will keep him in perfect peace [shalom, shalom], Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. (Isa 26:3)

7 Woe is Me How does Isaiah react to his vision of a holy God, high and lifted up? (Isa 6:5)How does Isaiah react to his vision of a holy God, high and lifted up? (Isa 6:5) Why did Isaiah feel “undone” in the presence of God?Why did Isaiah feel “undone” in the presence of God? What changes Isaiah from “woe is me, I am undone” to “here am I, send me.” (Isa 6:6-8)What changes Isaiah from “woe is me, I am undone” to “here am I, send me.” (Isa 6:6-8)

8 Depart from Me How did Peter react when he recognized the divinity of Jesus in the miracle of the great catch of fish? (Luke 5:8)How did Peter react when he recognized the divinity of Jesus in the miracle of the great catch of fish? (Luke 5:8) How is his reaction similar to Isaiah’sHow is his reaction similar to Isaiah’s What did God say to Moses that would cause sinners to fear seeing a holy God? (Ex 33:20)What did God say to Moses that would cause sinners to fear seeing a holy God? (Ex 33:20) When Jesus comes in the glory of His Father, what becomes of sin and sinners? (2 Thes 1:7-9)When Jesus comes in the glory of His Father, what becomes of sin and sinners? (2 Thes 1:7-9)

9 Demonic Witness What must even the demons acknowledge concerning Christ? (Luke 4:31)What must even the demons acknowledge concerning Christ? (Luke 4:31)

10 Summary Our glimpse of God this week reveals a God who alone is holy in the essence of His being.Our glimpse of God this week reveals a God who alone is holy in the essence of His being. God’s holiness is absolute perfect righteousness and goodness making Him worthy of our devotion and worship.God’s holiness is absolute perfect righteousness and goodness making Him worthy of our devotion and worship. God makes other things holy by setting them apart for a holy use or by His presence in them thus making them special and separate from common secular things.God makes other things holy by setting them apart for a holy use or by His presence in them thus making them special and separate from common secular things.

11 Summary While created in the image of God, there are radical differences between us and our Creator.While created in the image of God, there are radical differences between us and our Creator. Bible characters who experience the presence of a holy God are overwhelmed by a sense of their own sinfulness.Bible characters who experience the presence of a holy God are overwhelmed by a sense of their own sinfulness.

12 Summary Fortunately, God has a remedy for our sin problem: the gospel.Fortunately, God has a remedy for our sin problem: the gospel. God makes us holy by forgiving our sins and imputing the righteousness of Christ to us by faith in Him.God makes us holy by forgiving our sins and imputing the righteousness of Christ to us by faith in Him. Will you trust Jesus today that you might stand in the presence of a holy God when Jesus returns in glory for us?Will you trust Jesus today that you might stand in the presence of a holy God when Jesus returns in glory for us?


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