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Unit F1KS 11 Digital Media Elements for Applications First Steps.

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1 Unit F1KS 11 Digital Media Elements for Applications First Steps

2 Evolution of the Project Project will “evolve” over time 3 main evolutionary stages To coincide with each of the Assessment Outcomes from Outcome 2 onwards The multi-media application will become more sophisticated over this time as skills and experience develop

3 First Stage Source one of each of the following from legitimate sources, e.g. audio clip, video clip, graphic and animation Capture one short audio clip of 30 to 60 seconds, one video clip and one image using appropriate devices, e.g. digital video camera, video capture card, digital camera, scanner, mobile phone, microphone, etc.

4 First Stage Continued Use appropriate software tools to create a short video clip of approximately 30 seconds including a MIDI sound file, a 2d animation, a bitmap and a vector graphic Use appropriate software tools to edit (e.g. cut, copy, paste, trim) one of each of the following, i.e. audio clip, video clip and bitmap.

5 First Stage Continued 2 Use appropriate software tools to manipulate one of each of the following: audio clip, video clip, 2d animation, bitmap and vector graphic, e.g. scale, skew, rotate, effects and filters Select and use appropriate file formats for the editable and published versions of all media elements Store files on appropriate media.

6 Digital Media Elements Resources =1069515&itemid=2 =1069515&itemid=2

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