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Aquatic Renewable Energy Technologies (Aqua-RET) 2 Workshop Vocational Training in Marine Renewable Energy Technologies 3 rd International Conference on.

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Presentation on theme: "Aquatic Renewable Energy Technologies (Aqua-RET) 2 Workshop Vocational Training in Marine Renewable Energy Technologies 3 rd International Conference on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aquatic Renewable Energy Technologies (Aqua-RET) 2 Workshop Vocational Training in Marine Renewable Energy Technologies 3 rd International Conference on Ocean Energy in Bilbao 5 th September 2010 Plans for training delivery presented by Olivia Daly, AquaTT

2 Training delivery plan: 1)Development of training courses -Using existing Aqua-RET material where possible -Development of new material -Modules grouped into courses 2)Recruitment of facilitators/top industry expert for course delivery where needed 3)Promotion of pilot training activities 4)Key stakeholder participation 5)Delivery of courses 6)Evaluation of training (quality, effectiveness, relevance, need for follow-up training)

3 Proposal for training delivery method(s): Lecture Tutorial Practical exercises (hands-on/on-site) Role playing / Games Case study simulations Self-learning (assignments) On-line discussion forums/ blogs Videos or podcasts of lectures Video conferencing Computer-based interactive learning materials Online collaboration tools (e.g. Wikis & shared documents) 11 options to choose from

4 Respondents were asked to identify delivery method for their prioritised training: Lecture - 40 respondents Practical exercises (hands-on/on-site) - 40 Case study simulations - 37 Tutorial – 30 Computer-based interactive learning materials - 28 Online collaboration tools (e.g. Wikis & shared documents) - 25 On-line discussion forums/ blogs - 22 Videos or podcasts of lectures - 20 Self-learning (assignments) - 19 Video conferencing - 17 Role playing / Games - 13 Top 5 delivery methods

5 Plans for training delivery: Possibility of a multi-format delivery using top 5 identified delivery methods  Face-to-face training  Further development of website to incorporate more interactive learning,  Supplemented by practical field exercises

6 Thank you for your attendance! For more information please visit us at stand E3 in the exhibition centre Or contact Olivia Daly (Project Officer)

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