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The Cold War Chapter 25 Page 846. The Cold War Begins Section 1 Differences between Soviets and U.S. – U.S. – - – Soviet Union – -

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1 The Cold War Chapter 25 Page 846

2 The Cold War Begins Section 1 Differences between Soviets and U.S. – U.S. – - – Soviet Union – -

3 B. Eastern Europe By 1945 allies knew they would win What should happen with Eastern Europe? Allies meet in Potsdam summer 1945 Stalin agrees to allow free elections NOT going to happen Soviets set up puppet gov’ts in Satellite states Allies convinced Stalin set on World domination

4 C. Meeting Soviet Challenge Churchill- “Iron Curtain has descended on eastern Europe” Truman- Must help rebuild Europe Truman Doctrine- give aid to countries struggling against communism – Ex- gave 400 million to Greece

5 D. Containing the Soviets George F. Kennan- leading American Soviet expert- must contain Soviets – Containment policy Marshall Plan- gave 13 billion to Europe and countries rebuilding Why rebuild Europe? –1–1 –2–2 –3–3

6 E. Cold War Heats Up Germany divided into 4 occupational zones – Berlin- deep inside Soviet zone, also occupied in 4 zones Stalin tries to starve out west Berlin by blockading the city 1948- Allies airlift supplies for almost a year straight, break the blockade LbOmE LbOmE

7 Alliances NATO- Warsaw Pact

8 Section 2 The Korean War A. Communist in China Mao Zedong- Chinese communist leader vs. Jiang Jieshi or Chiang- nationalist leader Fighting a civil war, we send several billion to help Corrupt leader, defeated, flees to Tawain Now 1/3 of world communist

9 B. Americans fight in Korea Korea divided from China by Yalu River After WWII, Korea divided at 38 th parallel- North Communist- South non-communist June 25 th 1950, North invades the South U.S. troops sent in to help, quickly pushed back to Pusan

10 Korean War cont. Douglas MacArthur- allied leader in charge of U.S. forces Truman does not declare war, but calls for police action with limited goals UN forces, mostly U.S. troops, land at Inchon and force North Koreas all the way to China

11 Korean War cont. China joins war as 300,000 cross Yalu river UN forces driven back to 38 th parallel MacArthur wants to use nukes, invade china, and escalate war- fired for criticizing Truman Eventually cease fire was singed in 1953. Nothing changed- 37,000 Americans killed

12 Effects Eisenhower elected in 1952 and brought Korean war to end Military spending would increase Relations with China and Russia grew worse Presidents sending troops into combat with declaration of war. More Allies- SEATO

13 Section 3 The Cold War Expands A. Arms Race Heightens – September 2, 1949- Soviets set off their own atom bomb – China Falls to communism – Soviets now even with U.S. – Truman starts developing H-Bomb – Leads to arms race with Soviets as both develop enough nukes to destroy each other 100 times over – MAD??

14 B. Eisenhower New Policy We can’t keep getting involved in small conflicts started by Soviets- ex. Korea John Foster Dullies- secretary of state- in favor of Roll Back Eisenhower- more bang for our buck- spend less on military, more on nukes, and threaten Massive Retaliation if threatened Leads to official policy of Brinkmanship- taking us to the Brink of war

15 C. Stalin Dies March 5, 1953- Joseph Stalin dies Nikita Krushchev soon emerges as leader. Less extreme than Stalin- could lead to better relations

16 D. Cold War Goes Global Roll back does not happen – Poland riots against Soviets- U.S. does not get involved – Uprising in Hungary violently put down by Soviets – U.S. did not step in to help – WHY?

17 E. Suez Crisis Abdel Nasser tries to play Soviets and U.S. off each other U.S. offers to fund Aswan dam Egypt talks to Soviets and China Upsets U.S.- pulls funds Nasser nationalizes Suez canal- British, French and Israel goes into take it back U.S. does not support

18 F Eisenhower Policy Eisenhower Doctrine- U.S. will use force to help any Middle Eastern country CIA- now used to gather intelligence and protect U.S. interest Overthrows gov’ts in Iran, Guatemala, and other places Leads to much U.S. resentment

19 G. Cold War in Space Soviets launch Sputnik 1 -1957 Then launched Laika into space U.S.- National Defense Education Act to develop more scientists NASA is created

20 Section 4 The Cold War at Home Communism plays on the fears of the American People Red Scare- fear that communist were trying to destroy America- 1917, 1940’s, 1950’s Communist could be anywhere, and there were some Federal Employee Loyalty Program- federal employees sign loyalty pledges- 3,000 fired after being accused of disloyalty

21 Worrying about communism Smith Act- allowed U.S. to cripple communist party House Un-American Activities Committee- investigated gov’t, newspapers, armed forces, ext. Most famous case- investigated Hollywood Why If suspected, put on black list

22 More Worry Freedom of speech was limited in the fear of communism Oppenheimer, who developed the Atom Bomb, was targeted and suspected- had no evidence, but tied him to communism

23 Spies Most famous spies Alger Hiss- Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

24 Joseph McCarthy 1950 Joseph McCarthy- Senator from Wisconsin- needed to be reelected starts accusing that communist have infiltrated all levels of American society 205 commies in state department alone no evidence for any of his claims still gained American support set off wave of paranoia McCarthyism- practice of advancing ones career by making accusations of disloyalty

25 McCarthy Downfall McCarthy still making outrageous claims- accuses prez Even suggest ridding libraries of “subversive books Last Staw- accused army in Army-McCarthy hearings Televised hearings- American public got good look at McCarthy Just a bully- Have you no sense of decency 1954 Congress condemns McCarthy’s actions

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